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Everything posted by RussTime

  1. https://gaminglight.com/forums/knowledge-base/general/in-game-support/ go through these
  2. Have you tried going into our official discord and making a ticket there and asking for support
  3. + Support 1 small mistake shouldn't mean a ban and such. Even though I don't know about the words that were said, I doubt they were that bad to warrant a ban.
  4. + support Has tons of command knowledge, would be great to be in the VCMDR spot
  5. RIP bozo, I think you lasted like a month as EMS Chief if that so you get the "Shortest time as EMS Chief" award. Thx for the giving me the nice words tho, I had my eye on you in EMS pretty much since you joined so
  6. + Support Great staff member, command member, cool off-ship event idea, would be great for GM
  7. + Support Active, good NCO, although people might say you could use more text on some answers, its still a good officer app
  8. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): ERUL CPT RussTime (or as of this month, "SpookTime" 2. What Regiment are you applying for?: Shock 3. Why do you want to be a vice commander of this branch?: I want to be a vice commander of shock for a few reasons. The first reason being that currently shock is in a sort of "state of emergency" and there isn't many active people to help guide us through this moment. Yes, we do have 2 VCMDRs however they are both busy with their own lives and are sometimes not available (not meaning this in a rude way). I feel that if I were to be brought into command for shock, I could not only help it get back to what it used to be, but possibly even better. Another reason why I want to be a VCMDR is that currently I feel as if Shock doesn't have a current leader and I feel with my past experience and knowledge, I could be that leader that we need so badly. Finally I want to become VCMDR to help actually make some of these docs right and have actual english (once again no offense lol also knowing this isn't that big of a reason). 4. How much game time do you have on the server?: TAB menu says 8 weeks however I've been around for longer than 2 years 5. What is the Main Purpose of a vice commander for a branch?: To takeover whenever a CMDR is either on LOA, or nonexistent; To be there to maintain overview of officers and make sure they are doing their jobs; Finally, to organize things for their battalion to do (missions, mass trainings, etc.) 6. Why should we trust you to be a vice commander?: Well currently I hold a JMT position that if I were to do something bad (such as leak docs or just turn against HC) I could very easily get it removed, I also hold DT CPT, F16, IC MSGT, IC Riggs, and a IQ rank of which none I want to lose. Also to add on, in the past I was a MC VCMDR, and a DT VCMDR so I still know what I'm somewhat allowed to do and what not to do. 7. How often can you be Online?: Most likely around bi-daily but I'm almost always available in discord or TS unless stated otherwise (LOA and such) 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): 1 from PoliceRP for "Mass Copbait" that was from June 4th, 2023
  9. I mean you got off in a way kinda lucky with just a discord server ban. Ive seen people get banned for SMT diss for the exact thing your doing. Also to add on, you were pretty rude to a GM just doing their job, Frog was right in saying that the channels for "constructive feedback" not a "this GM is doing this bad" and not give an actual way to fix that problem besides with another insult. Maybe a little in the future you could get the unban but I think as of rn it should stick for a bit. - Support
  10. Would be really cool to see new things to these jobs and would def make them stand out more than the other jobs with the same guns + Support
  11. + Support Active, helpful, good officer, wouldnt hurt to have another CPT
  12. Exactly what Cinder said but maybe instead of using it for regular players, could add it to GMs to have more unique models for events. It would also give some people more of an incentive to join GMs
  13. At this time I'm very iffy about this due to the fact that how would people AFKing deal with this? Also, if you done eat or drink would you start to die? I def think there would have to be things tweaked in a way to have this and it may all just be a hassle for people to hate. - Support as of now
  14. Active, dedicated, well known, good player, and good command member + Support
  15. + Support I def think this would make a great change to crime and would be way more interesting than the way it is now
  16. Rusty/ Boss said exactly what I was thinking. Back in my day (god i sound old saying this) Pyke instead of complaining about a jetpack being too OP would instead pull out a different weapon other than a T4 EMP and shoot them down. - Support, just use a different weapon other than T4s to shoot people out of the air
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