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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. +/-support + Well known + Active + Friendly - Mingy from time to time - lots of spelling errors and last question was hard to understand what you said Good luck!
  2. - support this is a very Short application feels like no effort is put into the application I have not seen you on, might be due to timezones
  3. + Support seems enthusiastic about becoming this rank is very friendly Although application can be longer it is a good application in my opinion
  4. Not what we need in the staff team!!
  5. +/- support + seems enthusiastic about being Officer + Prior experience - Never seen you on (Maybe due to time zones) - Application is hard to understand in some areas
  6. - Support - Not serious enough! - Does not know what hes doing most of the time
  7. +Support + seems enthusiastic about being SO + A fun guy! + Active + can help us shock out a lot with Sims!!!! Good luck!!!!!
  8. +support + Active +seems very enthusiastic about shock +very approachable and overall a fun guy to play with I remember you from shock back in October you seemed very happy and fun in Ur 1LT position, Good luck!!!!!!
  9. a big good luck to you!!! and i love u man (no homo)
  10. What is your in-game name? My in-game name is Shock ENG SFC Sharp SK101 What is your current rank? My current rank withing shock is SFC How long have you been in Shock? I have been in shock for quite a while now, over 1 month i believe How much time do you have on the server? On the server i have 2 Weeks playtime Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? I believe that i deserve the promotion to officer as i am a hardworking NCO that strives to make shock a fun and enjoyable battalion to be apart of, as well as i do my best to help new members of shock to understand our rules and regulations as i do know the SOP very well. Shock is a important battalion in my eyes, as we are the police on the ship and we are the ones to be very strict with our troopers and that is my goal, to make shock more strict. Shock is not a very strict battalion and is filled with minges and people who do not know what to do and do not follow orders. I wish ti make this the opposite, i wish to cleanse shock! make us clean and strict again as we once were. i also believe i am fit for Officer as i have been a long lasting member of shock joining originally back in 2021, and reached 1LT before i got burnt out and due to a shitty Command team i got removed. Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? i feel i am able to be trusted to hold this position as i have previously been a officer and i was very good at it, i did lots of sims, lots of watching over tryouts so that the NCO's would understand better how to host a tryout so that the TRN may understand better, as well as i always helped NCO's and taught them how to Lead the Enlisted. i know the command team well and i love those guys a lot, and i know a lot of shock and i hope that you guys see that i am worthy and trust worthy enough for this position If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? A stricter regime, more Simulations to enhance Shocks performance, a Officer who is willing to listen and help NCO's and Enlisted to the right path. these are things we need! and i am the guy who can give these things, Simulations are well needed in shock, and a stricter officer is needed although he will go down in history as the most annoying officer i believe that you all will learn a great deal from me and my ways of leading How active can you be? In the weeks i am able to be quite active, unless i have work. some times at weekends i am unable to be on as i usually go to my cabin with my mother and father.
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