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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. +/- Support - not seen much "Real" leadership - not seen you a lot on -application is short and seems like no effort is put in +nice guy + friendly to new people + Understanding
  2. +/- support + super amazing member! + active + friendly - not really seen much "Leadership" - not as strict as a officer should be!!! Good luck Tuna!!!!
  3. +Support! + good guy +Hardworking +Active App needs to get longer answers!! Good luck wolf!!
  4. 1. Steam Name: Amil 2. Ingame Name: Shock SGT Sharp SK101 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:120961050 4. Ban Length: 1 week 5. Admin that Banned you: console 6. Reason for Ban: Homophobia 7. Dispute: so here is what happened, i took a sit right? and they guy was reported for homophobia and i tried PMing Kat telling him what he had said and was wondering if i should go to a warn or if i should do anything more to it, as i am unsure and want to do the right thing ofc. (Evidence of PM will be provided right under at the end) https://discord.com/channels/@me/979050214054854676/979050226549657620 (If you cant see it just pm me on discord and ill send you the screenshot Kat took)
  5. What is your in-game name? Shock PFC Sharp SK101 What is your current rank? My current rank in shock is PFC How active can you be? I am able to be very active during the week, unsure about weekends, but due to my timezone i might not be seen as much as others sadly. but i will give it my all to be as active as i can What is your timezone? My time zone is GMT+2 What can you bring to Shock as a NCO? A year ago when i first became a NCO within shock, i brought so many new troopers to the battalion and was a very respected NCO. I am able to make us even more active, and help out new troopers, ensuring that they read the SOP! and guiding new troopers who is having a hard time in shock Why should you be trusted? I believe that i should be trusted as i have been a 1LT before and that i try to show that i am hardworking, and i also try to get a good friendly base with every shock trooper so that the are able to trust me so i can further help them with their issues in shock. i strive to make shock a safe and friendly space for every new player that wishes to be shock, i have been in shock now for a few weeks and i try my best to talk with others and influencing the ship with positivity, one example of this act is that last night me and a TRN called Minty went on a "Hug patrol" and that means we went and hugged everyone we saw! Do you have any warns on the server? I currently have 0 warns and have never been banned.
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