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Tydrix Weeb

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Everything posted by Tydrix Weeb

  1. +Support Talked to you a lot and you are a serious person and I believe you would be great for staff Serious Player Active Dedicated
  2. Didnt add a poll but not many people care about that
  3. +Support I would like to see him given reason for it and if not than he should get unbanned
  4. -Support 0 Effort put into this and I believe many of us know what movie title it was.
  5. Great guy believe he would be a great staff member
  6. +Support I've talked to him a lot and believe he would be a great addition to the staff team only think I believe he should work on is keeping his cool I do believe other than that he would be great for the job.
  7. I have talked to you on an occasion about what had happened and why it had happened and I am going to stay neutral as I have also talked to the High command who had made the decision -/+ Support Just because I would like to see what others say and think instead of going immdeiatly based off what ive been told so far I just think it is the best idea for the current moment
  8. o7 You come back Nefario I wanna keep guarding you as a Medic with a Negev man on a serious note ill miss you man come back whenever you want and if you ever need a guard hit me up
  9. To good of a race needs a nerf But seriously this is a pointless report for the time in which it happened and its just pictures not much to gain from them except you died shows no proof of the others doing any Teaming as you said they were -Support
  10. Damb o7 feel better soon and get back in the damn game
  11. Name: Tydrix Rank: Medic Activity (1-10): 7 Why should you keep your rank (SM+): N/A Any Notes: I was on LOA for a little while in other branches and haven't been around again until recently
  12. Great guy, Would love to see his event ideas come to fruition
  13. Ayy bruh Im not racist. nah but ill miss you homie love ya o7
  14. +Support I myself could have made a mistake when banning someone I believe that he deserves a second chance even if he did LTAP on purpose or not I hope to see him rejoin by the end of the day again sorry for the inconvenience
  15. Before. i say that right here. I checked to make sure he didnt disconnect earlier before hand at the time of the sit being called he had disconneceted just 2 minutes before the sit got called in which they killed the person and was told that a sit would be called
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