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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. Class D Suppliers are permitted to spawn a maximum of 10 props to build a store front for their items. The storefront must be located in Lower D-Block, and not in one of the spawn rooms. There were two suppliers too, both were set up in there.
  2. -support He was on supplier, which means he is fully allowed to build on that job to set up a shop, which was part of it. This didn't need to be a forums report either, couldve been through staff at the time who could tell you the same thing. he was on supplier setting up a shop. Also, this is completely harmless.
  3. Alright, I am sick of being fuckin' professional and polite. Are you incapable of basic human decency??? Is it so fucking hard? THIS IS GMOD! FUCKING GARRY'S MOD! Do you have ANY FUCKING CLUE how GODDAMN PATHETIC it is to watch two grown ass adults harass and berate a child? Your fucking cell is a small room on a giant map YOU DONT FUCKING OWN. That is a fucking CHILD playing a goddamn VIDEO GAME. Fuck a goddamn removal, you two deserve a blacklist. Not only doing this in D block where others can hear and make a spectacle of it, but doing it so harshly? I have SEEN people rdm d class in their cells, I just go "hey man, cant be doing that. You can attack pretty much anybody else but d class, aight?" Its that simple. That sentence takes all of 10 seconds to say. How did this affect you? How? The kid is right, why are you so angry? You are two adults, how the FUCK IS A CHILD MORE MATURE THAN YOU?! TELL ME FUCKING HOW??????? You dont fucking belong on staff, you dont belong on scp-rp, you dont belong being around this community at all, I would hesitate to say you two should hold any form of power or anything of the sort anywhere, borderline to the point of being limited in social interaction at all. That experience will stick with that kid for ages, that shit does NOT go away. Did you forget being harassed as a child by players in a game? Did you ever forget that one time or that incident? He certainly won't, if I was him I would wave a banner to never come to the server or the community, I would be disgusted, and I certainly am right now. Fuck both of you. You two are goddamn MONSTERS.
  4. +support With all the shit being thrown around lately, seems this has been a long time comin' Lets get it taken care of. Actions will always have consequences.
  5. +support Good combatant, knows the map, I believe he could be a solid addition to Alpha-1's personnel.
  6. Absolutely. This is not befitting of any member of staff in gaminglight, no matter what server you are on, acting in such a way would not be tolerated at all by players or other staff under any other circumstances.
  7. These clips, these words, both provide a lot to the situation, and the information within says a shit ton about the circumstances surrounding this specific issue. Glad he was able to give his input.
  8. I see it pretty often, people were on it today too lmao
  9. +Support Servers with bias and issues at higher levels result in devastating consequences for both the community and its members. Steps should be taken to prevent the same from happening here, and this seems like a good first step, to have these issues acknowledged and handled in a professional manner.
  10. I just hate having to get escorts in general. Its not as if a lot of us cant handle a d class in cuffs. Wish a certain rank high enough could just go without the need for one. Cuts out a lot of redundancy. But when gensec deny you for an escort, ask an RIS unit to hop on or go dick around with the items
  11. +support I have skipped the scp pack just because I dont see any of them appealing enough to play.
  12. +support Every player turned into a 610: where claws
  13. +support Listen up! Today is going to be [Morning XP & Salary Surge x2] So be prepared!
  14. I wasnt even aware that this WASN'T already a rule. On maintenance we usually pack up and go to be fair to the SCPs. I see it in rp as you attempt to fixed damaged stuff but possibly get hurt or make it go to a state that is irreparable for a little bit, sparking wires, crushing gears, so on. Going to go fix something else in the meantime due to hazardous conditions on the previous fix is just logical, especially with scps like 610 where accidents like that could result in contaimination. +support
  15. Self breaching could be better, I would love to have it be something one can do on their own. I think a solid medium solution would fix the issue with verification of validity would work best. Let SCPs breach doors, but have to call staff when its done to put the sign. This sounds redundant, but here is my reasoning 1: Self breaches are just typing right now. You advert, you wait. You advert, you wait. Adding a personal interaction to it, that gives the scps something to do? That would be an encouragement to play. 2: It would result in more interesting gameplay, allowing the scps to tear their way out of their cell in ways that fit them perhaps. 682 being able to do it faster, 610 having an actual biohazard effect on his cell, shit like that would be really cool. 3: Self breach sits, fast. Rule break sits, long. But you know the longest sit of all you take? having to explain how self breaching works in the first place because the motd is confusing as hell to some people on how it works. As for the sounds? Hell. YES. Give 939 its voice mimic lines from CB, bind em to R. 096 is already getting ambience. 682 having a roar could be fun to scare people with a whole "oh lawd he comin" vibe to it. 035 could have some lines too, taken from CB or from other 035 media, such as SCP Sedition. +Support for certain, if implemented correctly.
  16. +support I have actually mistaken the two when I was new.
  17. I would usually disapprove of anything like this, but given the nature of the line and latency, yea, just fuckin' shoot em. +support
  18. +Support If 939 can do it based on the sound, 682 can do it based on the adaptability. So many SCPs can just be bullied into oblivion with cloaking, but with 682 it wouldn't make sense.
  19. Hi. I am rather late to this, I just...kind of forgot this page existed. Welp, here we go. I am Daddy D Boi, Ya Boi Sawrunner, or just my actual name, Jack. Or Jackson. Dont really give a shit either way. CI Military is first and foremost home to me, my first life and my first branch both. Trap expert is still the best class for literally anything, and I will die on that hill if I have to. If there was ever a head of trap expert, I would fight the sun to be it. Research was and is my second branch, and a love of mine as well. I usually do tests that are just rp interviews, with a love and focus on voice acting for the characters and scps, and an adoration of the lore. My alternative tests usually revolve around embracing SCP's horror filled roots, and my tests will generally involve scaring the piss out of whatever D-Class I bring along. Alternatively, given my commitment to RPing as Doctor Bright, given my extensive knowledge of the character and lore, my tests also involve just...really really dumb shit. Harpoon Dodgeball? Yesir. Sword fighting Enoch? Les go. Besides that, I am also in E11 although I have not gotten far in the branch. I try. Maintenance is also hella pog. Lots of good RP and shit there. Makes me happy to be one branch the foundation and server as a whole really REALLY needs. I overall pride myself on a good time, having fun, and avoiding redundancy. I am blunt as piss, but yknow, its for a good reason. And yes, I am a femboy. If ya know me, happy to be someone whos existence you acknowledge. If you are my friend, happy to have ya. If you hate me, I can only somewhat blame ya. And if you don't know me? Well, here I am. Pleased to make your acquaintance.
  20. People will play a lot regardless, so long as they like the server. Saying steep prices encourages them to play and afk makes no sense. People afk for exp and money sure but no one has went afk thinking "hey lemme do this so I will have money for guns on a class whos guns suck"
  21. What are you suggesting? - The armory prices are just harsh at this point, making guns that used to be obtainable for pocket change make me wince to even consider buying, and i have 800k. How would this change better the server? - Help those who have reasonable amounts of cash and a desire for a nice firearm actually grab one. Classes with poor firearms and armament would be helped too. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Accesibility of guns? I dont know, the only real "problem" that could arise is newer players being able to arm themselves better which could cause problems, but you know, its their funeral if they break a bunch of rules with their guns. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Newer players and those who dont have a lot of money to burn. If need be, I will type out an entire form of proposed prices.
  22. The act itself isnt a sport, its the not getting caught that is.
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