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Everything posted by Nydekore

  1. +Support Right now it is just too hyper specific to the point of restricting any sort of RP on the job
  2. DENIED At this time you are not a high enough rank to apply for CMD. Please reapply once you hit Senior Researcher!
  3. It was great having you on the staff team, best of luck in the Air Force!
  4. Cya Gar, it's been real. Best of luck wherever you head next.
  5. -Support I like lying to Cecil when I say I support his branch updates >:) Jk, +support, good update
  6. These could be cool but we should wait and sort of "stress test" Site 13 a little more before going crazy with vehicles. -Support for right now, though this could be great in the future
  7. Assigned for grading... to me! Sorry LCMD, this one's mine. Final Grade: 92/100 Cool, albeit simplistic formatting, could be spruced up a little but still really good A pretty original and important test idea Safety precautions are well constructed Visual or audio evidence would have been really cool especially since you put it as a "video log" The actual test observation is quite short You only lost a few points due to some overall minor/nitpicky things, great work Solid, hope to see more like this!
  8. +support for a small scale up, doesn’t need to be 354-4 size but an increase would help people get a feel for the SCP’s actual identity
  9. ? No? +Support though, Kaizer is awesome, does great work, and would make great staff.
  10. What are you suggesting? - I am suggesting that SCP-1048/1048-A have some modifications made to their self breaching rules to make the SCP more compelling for both sides. The changes are noted below. How would this change better the server? - This change is made to encourage both sides to play as/with SCP-1048 in a more enjoyable manner. The five minutes between ear grabs requires 1048 to play more stealthily while the loss of the targets memory will give 1048 better means of doing so. It makes the gameplay more about staying hidden than the outright aggression which is frequently seen in 1048 players currently. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I do not believe there is any objective disadvantage to this as it balances itself out. Subjectively, some people may like the current playstyle and may wish to continue playing it this way. Who would this change mostly benefit? - 1048 players, can no longer get caught in just 2 minutes. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  11. -Support 17 warns plus a blacklist on 106 and recent removal from Nu7 for constant FailRP, unfit for staff
  12. Denied Does not meet rank requirement (not on our roster)
  13. -Support Ozzie made the right call here
  14. I don’t see my credit for the warn screenshot… -Support Plagiarism (Jk, +support, J0lt’s great, would do well as ET)
  15. +Support Application is a little short however I have seen Vivaldi around the server and he’s always been a rather chill guy. Additionally, just yesterday I had pulled him into a staff sit and instead of freaking out like many do, I simply reminded him of the rule and gave some clarification and he remained mature the entire duration of the sit which is something I can say about few others when reported.
  16. I have high hopes for you Omen, I think you have the capacity to be a good staff member but give it some time for the warns to be a more distant memory first
  17. +Support would help staff traverse the now huge map
  18. Impure! Gonna miss you my boy, I remember you telling me you looked up to me when you were a WO when I resigned from Nu7, I can tell you now that I believe most Nu-7 LCMD/SCMD looked up to you at some point or other. Fantastic work as COL Pure
  19. Damn, I didn’t know source was that bad, weird glitch. You can always contact our support team if you need any assistance with that!
  20. Accepted We have decided to unblacklist you from the branch. However, repeated instances of this type of behavior will not be taken lightly and may find you on another blacklist rather quickly so take this as a last warning.
  21. To add on to the Hoovy moments https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/afKvMgtayerUl/d1337qzMDPHG?invite=cr-MSw5bGosNDM0NTM3NjYs
  22. -Support Just favorite the ones you’re on tbh, no need to get this developed
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