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Everything posted by Theta

  1. + Support I myself think this change will be detrimental in many ways. I believe it will severely handicap Medical and make it so the battalion will die out. I also feel like we will see a massive change in the way of only high HP jobs such as DT, Nova, IC and IQ surviving through events and missions whilst everyone else perishes. If the issue is due to Custom Classes, why punish everyone else? Just remove them from CCs entirely. If you guys didn't want 5k HP CCs running around, you should have though of it before letting people pay for that. Don't punish non CC owners and an entire battalion for that.
  2. Just reading this is a big red flag to me. Absolutely not. - Support
  3. PENDING This application is currently under consideration by 501st Command! Continue to be active and fulfill your current duties in the meantime. Others may still + or - support you Thank you for expressing interest!
  4. PENDING This application is currently under consideration by 501st Command! Continue to be active and fulfill your current duties in the meantime. Others may still + or - support you Thank you for expressing interest!
  5. PENDING This application is currently under consideration by 501st Command! Continue to be active and fulfill your current duties in the meantime. Others may still + or - support you Thank you for expressing interest!
  6. ACCEPTED! See a MAJ+ in game or TeamSpeak for your training, and thank you for applying!
  7. PENDING This app currently doesn't meet the requirements for this type of application. You will be given 24 hours from this message to revise before this application is denied. Also, the rank requirement is CSM, which means you will either A) Need to be promoted B) Run an Officer Application as well as a HVYAL app Thank you for expressing interest!
  8. + Support While it was an invalid ban, this has been a common misconception as of lately with staff. I believe it was an honest mistake on Kio's part and that the banned party misinterpreted what Kio said. My personal opinion- just unban the dude. Kio shouldn't get in any trouble and it's clear he knows not to do this again. A word of advice to the banned party- don't talk shit about battalions (at least publicly), you've seen what it can lead to.
  9. McChicken, light Mayo, a cheeseburger with no onions and a large sprite @NebelFirknows about the infamous McChicken Splooge sandwhich
  10. 501st Legion Sub-Battalion Lead Application Format (Required to be CSM+ and SNR HVY to apply) (ARCAL+ is handpicked, cannot be applied for) What is your in game name and rank? What position are you applying for? What is your SteamID? How long have you been a member of the 501st Legion? Why do you believe you should become a member of Sub-Battalion leadership? What can you offer? What Command Experience do you hold? (200 words minimum) Describe the duties of a Sub-Battalion Lead / Assistance Lead (75 words minimum) A member of your Sub-Battalion was caught red handed abusing their specialized gear. What do you do? Have you ever been striked in the 501st? If so, what for? Is there anything else you'd like to add?
  11. Before anyone says "Oh this is in the wrong spot" I was informed by GL Bop to make the ban request here. 1. Your In-game: 501st Commander Theta 2. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:167508049 3. The player's name in-game: Marcuss From Apology Video / Peta aka "TeamSpeak User" 4. The player's steam name (If you know it): I do not. I do have their TeamSpeakIDs. [URL=client://34853/rY6xj2RMwLJ2h6+4FadTJ6gObxo=~Hagred]Hagred[/URL] [URL=client://34854/sH/XWx4Vy9SQDEqim/7EXL/mr2s=~501st%20PFC%20JImmy]501st PFC JImmy[/URL] 5. What did the player do: Continuously enters mine and other Battalion's TS channels and disrupts our activities as well as berates and harasses members of the channel. Also making jokes about school shootings. They also spam poke me and others whenever asked to leave or cut it out. 6. Evidence (REQUIRED): As for evidence, I have only clips from the most recent events, but you can ask @Spice as he has helped me numerous times before in dealing with these guys, as well as @99 dead raccoons https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979648031286763551/987211066104762388/Desktop_2022.06.17_-_00.12.33.13.DVR.mp4 7. What do you believe should happen to the player: I think these guys should both be permanently banned from the TeamSpeak. 8. Any extra information: These guys have been a thorn in mine and other's sides for months. They continue to come back and act in an unacceptable behavior, mock us, talk over us, show no regard for what we are doing in OUR channel and never learn their lesson or change their behavior. I am so sick of these guys and it's time something was done. I know I am not the only one who feels this way. These guys are both warns away from Permanent Ban in game, clearly they aren't here to be conducive to our server and only seek to cause chaos and disruptions.
  12. Wheat has as much Command Experience as myself under his belt. I feel he’d excel at Marshal Commander. During his time as Havoc Commander he was dealt a shit hand and made the best of it regardless, doing anything and everything he could to improve the battalion. In STs, he’s carried the battalion on his back for months, becoming the embodiment of what an ST Commander can be and being the heart and soul of his unit. + MASSIVE SUPPORT
  13. Theta


    @Mannwe love men
  14. What would you like to see: Vader's Chambers be added to the ISD How would it help the server and/or the player base: Not only would it be a nice and refreshing addition to the map, but it would give Vader (when we eventually get one) his own unique place to spawn besides just on bridge like every other High Command. Vader is special and deserves to have his own area. Not to mention how cool it would be to deliver orders to Vader's Chambers, complete with a meditation pod. It would also give 501st something to do in downtime, something to guard. We had it on the old map aboard the Death Star and above all else, it's something I am sore to see return. A few possible locations I have found are near EC, on the opposite side with that un used corridor, in the Purge Bunks Hallway, or my favorite, above secondary pits (the ones heading towards debrief) and replacing that large pipe with a catwalk to extend out to Vader's chambers. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: I do! I think it would give us something fresh and allow us something on the map which we lost in the transition from the old one to this excellent one. Thank you for reading my suggestion - [GL] Theta
  15. - Big Support I do not feel Kio would make a good Marshal Commander at this time, and here is why. 1) Kio more or less killed Nova off due to his own need to show off. He logged... 50 something Command Loggings in the first month. Activity is good and inactivity is bad, but this has shown the server that Over Activity can be just as fatal to a battalion. During this time, I can't even recall how many numerous times that I heard Nova members not wanting to be on their Nova life because they could not do anything aside from the SIMs Kio forced them to do. Not only that, but it very clearly burned Kio out as his loggings were no where close to that the remainder of the month. 2) Kio oversteps his bounds often, not knowing his depth as Nova Commander. While he has (I believe) good intentions at heart, he has regularly overstepped in telling Command Members what to do or how to operate their own battalions. Regularly have I been told "I'm just trying to make other Commanders look good, I don't care about how I look" which, sounds quite disingenuous to say the least. By telling other Commanders, who are EQUAL to yourself how to operate their respected units, you're implying that you know better or are superior to them. Hosting a VCMDR+ meeting to tell others to step it up wasn't a good move either. That is not your job, and I think by doing these things you've made it to where people won't respect you, even if you do get accepted to this position. The general attitude I've seen him have for a long time has only reinforced this as well. 3) He seems to make things up on the fly for no apparent reason. Examples: Kio told another unnamed Command Member that you cannot refer to K2 droids as "Clanker", even calling it FailRP. How is referring to a droid as a droid FailRP? It isn't. When I heard of this he pulled me aside and gave me a word of telling me not to, saying "K2s don't like it". Don't play on a droid then? I've been called that countless times when playing Medical Droid Level Job but I've never taken offense to it nor claimed it FailRP. Not only that, but he tried to tell me during a event briefing that I have to have my ... RP name as my ISB name. Why would that ever be the case when half the time as an ISB you get killed off. I have been a GM numerous times under Emily, Mando, PC and now Kio/Azrael in the absence of PC and never once has that been a rule. Kio, as a SGM, should be aware of GM rules in their entirety, so I do not buy that he was "told numerous times that was a rule". 4) He hasn't really done any positive, notable things for Nova that I have seen, only maintained status quo where possible and kept Nova afloat despite entirely burning them out early in the month. All of this being said, I do not dislike Kio as a person. He can be fun to play with and bullshit with and talk to, but I do not believe he is ready for High Command. I do not think many people would respect that authority if it were vested in him and I think he needs a reality check and more time at Nova Commander before achieving HC. At this moment, I believe there are better options to fill this position.
  16. I see this as a simple mistake. Get that warn removed!
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