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Everything posted by Crowww

  1. +SUPPORT - Experienced - Qualified - Decent app - Seems dedicated to helping the battalion grow, and improve. Good Luck Blue Moon!
  2. Sad to see you go I didn't talk to you that much but when i did i could tell you were a cool guy. Good luck with your career as a paramedic
  3. -SUPPORT Yes keegan is right when you are making an application you should put more effort into it and be more professional
  4. Earth is definitely qualified for the position, and he also has officer experience
  5. This guy does sims so much and is extremely dedicated to DT you deserve the position good luck bop
  6. ============================== Crow’s Havoc Vice Commander Application ============================== 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Havoc EODS MAJ Crow 4562 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Havoc Vice Commander 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be a commander of this branch to further help the growth of the battalion, and increase the activity of the troops in Havoc Company. One of the main reasons I wanted to be a part of the havoc command team was because I want to be able to assist the havoc commander on restoring the Havoc Company to what it once was in its previous months. I know that if I receive this position I will do my best on fixing the battalion as it is very easy to fix something that is already broken, and with this position I will complete my objective to assist the whole battalion, and be a very important part in the battalions growth. I will revive havoc company by doing various tasks, such as SIMs/Trainings, Flag ups, promotions, punishments, and improving communication within havoc company. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 4 Weeks 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose for a Vice Commander is to assist the commander in running the battalion making sure that it is active with numbers, and as well as actively doing simulations, and trainings for the battalion to keep the battalion entertained, active, and ready for possible enemy threats. Another task of a Vice commander is to promote those who have shown dedication to the battalion. Meaning that if an Officer/NCO is actively holding simulations or training for that battalion, then their hard work , and dedication will not go unnoticed. On the other hand if an Officer/NCO does not meet the expectations of their rank then they will be punished. For example if an Officer is continuously being mingey, and an overall bad role model to NCO’s, and enlisted they will be punished. If an enlisted sees that their officer is minging, then they will more than likely assume that it is okay to minge. This would cause an unstable battalion, and one of the reasons I want to become Havoc Vice Commander is to enforce this more. The other job of a Vice Commander is helping Havoc Command with updating the roster, making sure that the roster is up to date. An important job of a Vice commander is also occasionally hosting meetings, and doing meeting notes going over things that need improving in the battalion like activity, sims/trainings, tryouts, etc. Whilst also bringing up other important factors about possible reports or suggestions. This is very important because it provides communication in the battalion which is vital in keeping the battalion at the best it can be, and of course announcing promotions for those deserving of it. One other task of a command member is to actively do FLAG UPS within the battalion to make sure that it is active, and also other announcements like reminders of meeting times, role call, simulations/missions/trainings, changes in the battalion, and/or warnings. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : Dedication I think that you should trust me to be a commander of Havoc Company because I am dedicated to this battalion, and to the server. I have tried my best to encourage NCO’s, and enlisted to thrive in this battalion which has not been a failure, however with the rank of Vice commander I would have a greater influence on havoc troops, and Havoc Company as a whole. Experience Alright, so throughout my time in the Gaminglight Community I have gained experience from many battalions. Starting with the Stormtrooper Corp which was honestly where I obtained most of my experience, and knowledge. Eventually I joined Scouts, and grinded tryouts to the point where the scout roster was full, and they had to add more slots. Eventually I had become a ST officer, and later a Scout lead, and throughout my time in the battalion I had done various simulations, and trainings for the battalion to keep troops entertained, and make their time in STs fun, whilst also keeping them ready for combat. During my time in the Stormtrooper Corp I had commanded troops on and off the battlefield. Meaning I would command troops during missions on planets, command troops during events on ship assigning them to their battlestations, and during trainings that consist of trigger discipline commanding them when to fire, hold their fire, reload, and other activities such as patrolling the ship in various formations (mainly double column) making sure everything is clear of enemy hostiles. Another battalion I had gained a lot of experience in was Inquisitorius. During my time in IQ I had gained a lot of experience as an officer about putting NCO’s, and CPLs in positions to lead, so that if they achieve the rank of officer they will be well experienced enough in leading troops, and will perform well. Later I eventually achieved the rank of Eighth Brother which involved leading the battalion as a whole, and assisting IQ command with various tasks. I received many responsibilities that a VCMDR would such as updating rosters, communicating with IQ command, leading inquisitorius, promoting those that are deserving of a promotion, and improving the battalion overall. 7. How often can you be Online? : 5+ hours 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 1 LTAP (Not active) Thank you for reading my application
  7. +SUPPORT His behavior has improved from what I've seen, and he also has st officer experience from previously being a captain in STs.
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