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Everything posted by Bulborb

  1. +Support Being stuck on the same old map for a year gets boring, having a variety of playable maps would bring more excitement.
  2. +Support Its been 3 years since your ban, I believe you could have changed.
  3. +Support D-class would finally have a chance at killing gensec
  4. +Support Should have known you aren't allowed to make jokes on GL.
  5. Damn I gotta find someone else to bully now
  6. I assume they are allowed to fight. I think dog and Enoch can't fight because they are both SCPs while the mech isn't a SCP but thats probably a Savagery question.
  7. +Support I would like to see what a 5208 and 098 breach with full players would look like if this was accepted
  8. ACCEPTED Speak to a member of HCMD/Head of HLPR to be trained and whitelisted!
  9. +Support What he said was so horrible, we should make it a ban!
  10. ACCEPTED Speak to a member of HCMD/Head of HLPR to be trained and whitelisted!
  11. ACCEPTED Speak to a member of HCMD/Head of HLPR to be trained and whitelisted!
  12. +Support Decibel has been a very active member, I see them on whenever I get on. They are pretty friendly I've had pretty good interactions with them, and they have some good RP ranks. -RRH Engineer Echo 61
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