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GL Travis Sandman

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Everything posted by GL Travis Sandman

  1. Rank You are Applying For: Colonel In-Game Name: Travis Sandman SteamID: STEAM_0:0:584314670 Current Rank: Major How long have you been in your current rank?: 16 weeks and 3 days What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 1 Permission: Deputy Commissioner Solomon Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): I have been part of Police Low Command for a while now I have been really helpful towards a lot of other Low Command members and I have hosted 20+ meetings since I became Captain and I wanna be able to move up more and be able to help out with situations more. With now being Deputy Warden for DOC I have been more clear about what type of actions need to be taken in a better way for every department. Also 1 day I wanna be PD High Command that is ideally what I want to do. I have grown closer with all PD Command and every day I grown stronger I have been told by a few people that I should apply and move up farther and I wanna be the 1 that takes the last Colonel spot. I have been part of this community for a while now and have a lot of experience with handling situations with being low command in Dispatch, SCU, and high command in DOC. I wanna be able to help out our lower ranks on PD low command even more than I can now and moving up to Colonel will help me do that. Also, since being denied on June 29th for Colonel I have fixed my past issues and hosted more meetings since You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  2. D.O.C Accepted List 07/09/2021 Accepted List -Orin -Recs Denied List -N/A DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST (REACT A THUMBS UP) Talk to a DOC FTO to be trained Welcome to DOC ~D.O.C Deputy Warden Travis Sandman 1CW10
  3. +Support -Active -Definitely has improved from his past
  4. +Support -Active -Very Helpful -Been a great LC member -Never had an issue -Knows what he is doing
  5. Your In-game: Travis Sandman The player's name in-game: Family 6 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:174735498 What did the player do: 20 warn threshold Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 week ban for 20 warns Any extra information: I can't get the screenshot of the warns because he got kicked for hitting the warn limit and he decided not to join back
  6. D.O.C Accepted List 07/09/2021 Accepted List -Cris Denied List -N/A DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST (REACT A THUMBS UP) Talk to a DOC FTO to be trained Welcome to DOC ~D.O.C Deputy Warden Travis Sandman 1CW10
  7. D.O.C Accepted List 07/09/2021 Accepted List -Snuts Denied List -N/A DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST (REACT A THUMBS UP) Talk to a DOC FTO to be trained Welcome to DOC ~D.O.C Deputy Warden Travis Sandman 1CW10
  8. +Support -Helpful -Does a good job -Never had an issue with him -Good App
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