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GL Travis Sandman

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Everything posted by GL Travis Sandman

  1. D.O.C Accepted List 07/09/2021 Accepted List - Scoob Denied List - N/A DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST (REACT A THUMBS UP) Talk to a DOC FTO to be trained Welcome to DOC ~D.O.C Deputy Warden Travis Sandman 1CW10
  2. Well it has been great being part of SRT and liked everyone in it but I just don't see myself going far so this is my goodbye
  3. D.O.C Accepted List 07/09/2021 Accepted List - Ocean - Fourty Denied List - N/A DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST (REACT A THUMBS UP) Talk to a DOC FTO to be trained Welcome to DOC ~D.O.C Deputy Warden Travis Sandman 1CW10
  4. READ AND UNDERSTOOD https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C510BAQE1aTLnEFqUfg/company-logo_200_200/0/1519878865605?e=2159024400&v=beta&t=y7WiH4AkyanJk9A7_IM-ToOhuTQmU5o8_oXtlE91oU0
  5. D.O.C Accepted List 07/09/2021 Accepted List - N/A Denied List - Juice Box DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST (REACT A THUMBS UP) Talk to a DOC FTO to be trained Welcome to DOC ~D.O.C Deputy Warden Travis Sandman 1CW10 -Please wait 2 weeks before reapplying
  6. I am leaving FTO and Normal FBI at SSA and I will stay active for my next 48 hours but FBI just isn't for me and I hate being pinged every day from FBI so this is my Goodbye and thanks for all the friends I made through FBI
  7. D.O.C Accepted List 07/09/2021 Accepted List -Darby -Manjini -Godz -Runey Denied List -Smith -Juice Box DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST (REACT A THUMBS UP) Talk to a DOC FTO to be trained Welcome to DOC ~D.O.C Deputy Warden Travis Sandman 1CW10
  8. Your In-game: Travis Sandman The player's name in-game: Feeds needs and need The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:6061200 What did the player do: 10 warning threshold Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 day ban for 10 warning threshold Any extra information:
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