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Everything posted by ICR

  1. You have made the correct decision for your family, and that is what matters most. Bonne chance!
  2. Your In-game: Jawadre Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:162671731 The player's name in-game: Joe Rodriguez The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:523177643 What did the player do: FearRP, stole my car while at gunpoint. He also has 31 warns. Evidence (REQUIRED): (Any staff PM Lord_Jawadre#7656 for video) What do you believe should happen to the player: Possibly a 1 day ban
  3. What is your in-game name?: Jawadre What is your steam name?: Lord_Jawadre What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:162671731 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I’ve run a DayZ server before. A lot more programming than warning or banning people, so it was a bit different. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) October 30th-November 10th What date did you make your forums account? January 6th Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? If this means donator rank, then currently none. (I intend to buy gold by next Wednesday.) How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 2 (Had difficulty with screenshot, if it's not on the post any staff or player can PM me for it.) Have you donated? Not yet. (Hopefully this weekend.) What rank are you applying for? Trial mod. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. Have you read the staff guidelines at (link)? Yes Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I’ve been playing on the server for a few months now, and I find it a little frustrating when people break rules. The best thing to do is call staff, but the staff isn't usually on when I am. My sleep schedule would allow me to be on at times that other staff are fast asleep. I often stay up until 4 or 5 in the morning on weekends, so I can help cover more time on the server. I’m also decent at stopping arguments. When 2 people are yelling at each other on my team in a game, I can always manage to calm them down. In a sit, I’ll be able to make sure both parties are calm by explaining the circumstances fairly. If they continue to argue, I will separate them until everyone is calm, or I finish the sit. When on a staff job, I can maintain professionalism and be unbiased, even if the person in trouble is a friend or same department member. I aim to put myself in both people's shoes in arguments so I can fairly determine the outcome. Another reason I’d like to join staff is that I like to help people. When someone asks a question, I try to be the first to answer it. I’d put my best foot forward while on staff, as I really like the server, and we do NOT want a staff that looks bad. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Attempt to calm the person down. Staff sits can go more pleasantly if everyone stays cool. If they continue, I could just talk to the other person a few feet away or hop in a discord call with them for video evidence. The goal is to NOT yell back at them, because that isn’t the façade we want for the staff.
  4. All the new shotguns are being nerfed. Do you guys think the prices are still fair? Why or why not?
  5. What’re you guys’ favorite desserts? I need some recommendations lmao!
  6. I’m afraid to ask why.
  7. Oh I still go near them, I just heat up
  8. ++Support Amazing Staff Member INSANELY ACTIVE Unbiased in Staff work and sits Calm/Proffesional
  9. ++Support. Zerg is an extremely helpful and friendly staff member. He's nearly always helping out with events or on the server. Great staff member, knows what he's doing, deserves the promo.
  10. Nobody likes mingey players. Lets say we did this: What you want to see? - On your first time on the server, the MOTD stays on the screen unable to close for 5 minutes. Why should we add it? - This may encourage new players to read the MOTD What are the advantages of having this? - We can have less mingey or clueless players on the server and have a better time. Who is it mainly for? - New players/Staff
  11. I'd have to say PoliceRP. I think any star wars RPs spend too much time waiting for an event. I haven't tried SCP-RP yet, and it does sound fun, but I'd have to say my 3 (possibly 4 soon) departments in PoliceRP are what bring the most fun. The community is great, the server is fun, and if you haven't tried it, you should come on down. We welcome you with open arms!
  12. Video games. I got this mf 1300$ gaming computer with ethernet and I bought all the games for it. I spent too much money, and now I'm trying to get an oculus. I am money drain.
  13. ICR

    Gmod Hours?

    Only 361. I'm still healthy.
  14. Don't worry! Everyone makes mistakes! I have 2 warns and I'm in PD, SCO19, and State! Warns aren't too common once you learn the rules, just do !motd, it covers most of it!
  15. Discord is better for talking with friends, but for this server TeamSpeak is better to have.
  16. Very cute, I'm allergic to cats though XD
  17. Step 1: Become Hobo Step 2: Earrape Middle Eastern Music
  18. +support! This is an amazing mod used on many darkRp servers. It can be tough to learn, but it’s fun because you can roll up weed or get a bong and actually smoke!
  19. ICR


    Cereal, spoon, milk, eat.
  20. ICR

    Whats your fav gun

    The new SPAS-12 is absolutely insane.
  21. Your bases are great, and I think people are a little salty because of your raiding skills lmao. Man's also leading the TOP criminal organization (Not) so thanks for playing!
  22. ICR


    Mans really bullied them.
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