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Everything posted by Pills

  1. Pills

    Mech Raid Bug

    +support -I don't think it supposed to be like that
  2. +support I feel as 610 is weak. He can be RCd really easily by Maintenance, CE, FE, etc.
  3. I was the one recording and uploading the clip. He has aimbot, spinbot, etc.
  4. RP Name: Pills/HLPR Bot Alpha SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526542188 Discord Tag: Pig#5405 Branch: Maintenance Rank: MM Subdivisions/Whitelists: FTO, NCS, MMF, HLPR.
  5. Just contact a ET Member. Suggestions are used for adding new things to the server.
  6. -Support -Advertising App -generally a bit new to the server -app is very short
  7. -you got a verbal for RDM because you thought I was a dickhead. Clearly have a history of not reading the rules
  8. -Support -I think the app is good and you have some really good ups. -I have been a subject of your my way or no ones way. -No hate you seem pretty cool besides when I was a subject of your temper and stuff.
  9. +support -I dont know how they would implement this. But if they can, they need to do this asap.
  10. Massive -Support -Follow the format -as of me making this reply your account is 46 minutes old. -Maybe apply when you are at least actually in a branch or have 1 week experience?
  11. +support would cause a lot less people to be unhappy for being left for extended periods of time.
  12. +support would help so 173 doesn't kill me when fixing
  13. +support -Active -Experienced -good app (I think) -a
  14. +support -Active -good app -stop calling me little man -a
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