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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Pills

  1. +/- Support I feel like I had a stroke reading the event so I am just confused. -Good guy
  2. +/- Support -I have no idea who you are so I cannot evaluate if you are good for this position -good app though best of luck!
  3. and If we could also get some more empty rooms to build!
  4. In Game Name: Ahoy (Pills) Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:526542188 Applying for Squadron: Engineer RP Ranks: Maintenance Manager/Provisional Delta Deputy Head of Hotshot/Initiate Agent Preferred O5 to guard: I have no preference Warns? None https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199013350104 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I believe I am ready to join back the O5 staff team (originally a O5 Logistics member). I had met a lot of people and would like to meet more. I have also been having fun doing the serious and [REDACTED] RP with people. I had fun doing medical testing and escorting. I would seriously like to join back and talk to some new amazing people in the branch. I love having RP scenarios and would like to enhance them more with RRH RP. I think I could make a fun RP friendly environment for those involved. Why should we accept you: I am dedicated to my role as a Maintenance Command, now CI Military Command, R&D Enlisted, and ET Member. I am on everyday for a long time. I believe that I would be a good fit for RRH Engineer as I have no warns and a long playtime. Showing I follow the rules and I am trusted in my position as my ranks show. If I get accepted I promise I will not abuse any powers given to me. I will take RP scenarios seriously and will not minge in this position. I believe I have made some pretty good relationships with people. I believe I do very well in all of my positions and I could fulfill any duties assigned to me. I will try my best to accomplish any task assigned to me and encourage others to do the same. I believe I could enhance RP for all and best of all have fun. I hope you consider me in this position! Have a great rest of your day/night!
  5. +Support yall too weak I want stonger people
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JDvLDeaKSnjNNEwPhHDSG2RFpqgSvOecAL56vsOlz0A/edit?usp=sharing
  7. What bug is occurring? Hotshot has 150 armor instead of 175. Which was supposed to be done last bug report. Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? CI Hotshot Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? Continuous Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action:
  8. Honestly this sounds more like a bug report than a suggestion
  9. https://streamable.com/owa7dy I swear on everything this ain't a rick roll.
  10. +/- -I know this doesn't really matter but if those people in TS were saying "you are getting shot at Island". I do not see why they didn't say anything in ci comms to say stop or that's the infil. -Sure you had to go AFK for a quick second but shouldn't you have said anything to anyone? Because from the sound of it, the people in the TS thought you were still there. I don't see the need for anything beyond a verbal. But this verbal should be given to everyone during a meeting to everyone. (CI or all branches, it doesn't really matter)
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