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Posts posted by Darby

  1. On 5/16/2022 at 3:28 AM, Katsimaru said:

    Mega +Support
    Very active
    Competent A really good example of a VCMDR
    Does Quota and goes above it
    I've only had positive interactions with this person

    Good Luck!!!!


    On 5/16/2022 at 8:27 PM, guyt2030 said:

    I whole heartedly support this application, here are my reasons...


    • When Cammin was in SF he was dedicated but left to do something different & to me he's excelled since leaving SF
    • Cammin is a very well respected player within the 501st / ARC
    • Always takes the time for other battalions & shows repect
    • Great leadership qualities
    • Honest even when they make a mistake
    • He's great moral support & always brightens the mood of any Event/Mission/SIM they're in
    • I haven't had 1 person on GL talk badly of them
    • Also active during times when Americans aren't because of this he's able to support everyone 
    • I've really seen a lot of dedication to 501st / ARC & his enthusiasm for that is shown well


  2. On 5/16/2022 at 5:21 PM, Theta said:

    - Support

    I like you Box, but I do not think you are ready yet for Commander.

    - Just recently got VCMDR
    - Kinda short application
    - Moreover, a lot of your answers tell me you'll stay the course which while good, I feel you should be striving to improve. A Commander should be flexible, changing and evolving with the times

    While I think you're a great Vice Commander, I do not think you are ready yet for Commander. Best of luck regardless!


  3. On 5/22/2022 at 12:32 AM, Coconut Boy said:

    - Has a lot of experience in staffing.
    - Has a lot of experience how the server runs on a daily basis.
    - Sainty is very Dedicated and has much experience.
    - Sainty is very trusted from being a three time vice commander to going to general.
    - Sainty has done so much for the community that i already lost count.

    If someone should deserve the rank of superadmin it should be sainty.

    Good luck!


  4. On 5/16/2022 at 12:23 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

    + Support

    - Great SO, earned his spot as Director

    - Active as hell

    - Does incredible work


    Steel is one of the most deserving for one of these spots in my opinion. He is always on top of his work and has done great work within security, and I would love to see where he can take that from here.


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