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Posts posted by Darby

  1. 7 hours ago, Kiar said:

    Hello Mr. Cross.
    Your ban stems from the following warn: FailRP, LTAP.
    You were also warned 12 minutes prior to your ban for FailRP and No Intent to RP because you turned off the engines, then a few hours prior to that, you were warned for FailRP again.
    You are also currently serving a 20 warn ban for Gaminglights PoliceRP Server, and currently have 23 warns all across gaminglight.
    based on your previous actions from yesterday,



  2. On 5/14/2022 at 4:01 PM, Theta said:

    - Massive Support

    I can say without a doubt in my mind, you should remain banned. When you played the server you had a tendency to be very rude to others.
    More recently, despite having no activity on the server (I do not know if this was prior to or after you were banned) you entered my Discord DM's to tell me I wasn't allowed to thumbs down things you were saying on the forums, and from what I recall I wasn't the only one who you said this to. Furthermore, you called me a minge. I will say you did admit your fault at the end, but the point stands that you have had ego issues and thinking you are always correct.



  3. 13 hours ago, Bub said:

    -Support for now 

    You forgot to answer some of the question as well as fully answering the explanation of doing an on and offship event. Make sure to answer everything in an application the best you can. 




  4. 4 hours ago, Kio said:

    Huge +Support!!

    -Knows what he's doing

    -Knows a lot about Navy Battalions 

    -Helps his Troopers

    -Shows dedication 

    -Overall really good man for this Position 

    -Inactive asf within the server



  5. On 5/3/2022 at 12:23 PM, CollectiveWorld said:

    - Really good Explanations 
    - Past ULX experience
    - Knows Star wars Lore
    - Read the the guidelines and seems to have a positive understanding
    - Pretty decent On ship and off ship events


  6. 18 hours ago, CollectiveWorld said:

    +/- Support
    - You dont really have good amount of time on the server
    - You got the wrong kind of SteamID
    - Good response to applications
    - Very Detailed 
    - A good extension for even the short questions
    - Goodluck


  7. On 5/5/2022 at 9:22 AM, Lord Scrubbyith said:

    I think everything is fitting for the ENG and would work very well, especially for Jet packs they will allow ENG to be able to get into high places to repair on the ship. and do other high up tasks


    7 hours ago, NebelFir said:

    *All of these new additions perfectly compliment the battalions which they are being added.
    *Very well balanced between all the classes.



  8. On 5/2/2022 at 5:04 AM, TheCatBob said:

    what keegan said here is very true^^^

    the reasons you gave for why you should be trusted and what is the purpose of the position doesn't strike me as someone who is a leader but more a follower this is a leading position.  Also your application needs to be much better you need to put effort into it.  -support 


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