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Posts posted by Darby

  1. On 6/25/2022 at 5:43 AM, Caroline said:

    + Support

    I’ve personally had great experiences with this chatbox system on other servers. Great idea to add to the server.


  2. On 6/27/2022 at 1:42 AM, 1stSavagerY said:

    +support i don't see what could be the harm of adding it.  it's only $5 and if it could be added without causing lag, it would be a pretty cool addition


  3. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :



    2. What Regiment are you applying for?



    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

     I wish to become Shock Vice Commander for many reasons. I will be on most days and will be able to be on during the most active hours and the downtime of the server. This is a great benefit for me as I am Australian which makes me 14hours ahead of EST so I'm always able to be active and online on the servers.  After gaining experience of being a low command member (Maj-LtCol) I believe that I am ready to take on the responsibilities of a vice commander. I have an immense love for both Shock as a battalion and the members who make up Shock. I would love to be a Vice Commander to be able to assist both Shock Command and Army HC in leading Shock and making it the best it can possibly be. I am extremely active and average at least 3-6 active hours a day. I actively engage with the battalion and wish to have a bigger role to play in that.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    (From Battlemetrics) Total of 2205 hours (~13 Weeks)


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    There are many purposes of a commander, the most important purposes are to Lead, Relay, Set Examples, Engage and Oversee.

    The commander's duty of leading their men is an important purpose especially when in a battlefield. Due to the Commanders position in a battalion they are the ones who are to make the most important decisions and will have the most influence in their battalion. The commander is to lead Shock and show the troopers what it means to be a leader. One of the most important things that I have learnt in my time playing Gmod is soldiers watch what their leaders do. You may give them as much information and lectures as you want but it is the leader's personal example that they will follow. This also ties into setting examples.

    Relaying information is one of the most important duties of a Commander. They are to note any suggestions, complaints and concerns any member of Shock or GamingLight may have and relay the message to the necessary personnel. Commanders are also to relay information between Army HC and Shock Low Command should anything arise. An example of such information is suggestions, concerns, etc. This is the reason why attending Command & Weekly Battalion meetings are so important.

    Commanders are to set an example to all other members of both their battalion but also others as to what a member of command should be. Commanders are to represent the utmost authority in Shock and must act as a leader. The most important traits of a leader is that they are to be professional, responsible, approachable and fair. There are also many more traits that are combined into someone being a leader. Going back to what I stated in the leadership paragraph, example is not one of the main things that influence others, it is the only thing. 

    Commanders are to engage with Shock to ensure there is a positive relationship between all rank sections. They are also to be able to be contacted and approachable in the event that they are needed. The Commanders are also tasked with running the battalion's weekly meetings and taking any suggestions or concerns any member of Shock may have.

    Commanders are to oversee Shock as a whole and are to ensure the battalion is running smoothly and assisting anyone should they need help. The Commander is to work with the command team in order to make battalion updates and put in place new ideas that may improve the operation of Shock every day. Commanders are also to handle issues that may arise alongside working with Shock Low Command and Army HC. 


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I should be trusted to take the rank of Shock Vice Commander for many reasons. Although I have never been a Vice Commander+ on GamingLight previously, however I have experience of said positions in many other communities. During my time as Shock Officer & Low Command, I have handled many positive and negative incidents both on and off the server. I have dedicated myself to Shock. I am always available on and off the server, even when I am not home I am always available on Discord. Previously, I was a Security Director and balanced Shock, DT and Naval as a supervisor and assisting SF as an officer at the same time. I believe that my previous experience and activities will allow me to complete roster updates and complete Vice Commander duties and fulfil any further duties that are needed to be completed. Due to my previous experience, I have shown that I am calm and level headed and should a situation arise I can be trusted to deal with it as any other command member would.


    7. How often can you be Online? :

     At least 3 hours per day. Normally 2am-6am EST Sun-Thurs, 6pm-6am EST Fri-Sat

    Other than before the Sun-Thurs times, I can get on later than the end times posted if I am not asleep.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

     I have 1 warning on ImperialRP for RDM.

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