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Posts posted by Darby

  1. 33 minutes ago, Theta said:

    + support

    Winter has shown dedication to the server and rounded out most of his rough edges. I think given the chance, he could make an excellent staff member!

    - Very short Application. 

  2. 10 hours ago, oofbonk said:


    I have come to know Fizz through my time with Purge and IQ, and I can say without a doubt that I think he would be great on staff. He's cool-headed, kind, and genuinely willing to help out and/or ask for help. 


    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Lukas II. said:


    + Has a huge and very professionally written application
    + This guy is hella Active
    + Always helps people whenever the need arises and is very friendly
    + Knows battalions in and out
    + Has great Leadership amongst the people
    + Has experienced many commanding positions over his career, and also done many updates in it 
    + Knows what he is doing and how to operate
    + Dedicated to this Community
    + Great guy

    Good Luck Name



  4. On 7/3/2022 at 3:16 PM, Kio said:


    -Good guy

    -knows what he's doing

    -Literally helps everyone with everything

    -has been here for awhile

    -Gives Honest Feedback

    -Gets his work done

    -Does everything in his Power to give the community something to do.
    -Knows what he's doing

    -Understands what must be done for this rank 

    Starch has been apart of the Community for a couple of years now and to say he's a really great AHC member in which he's helped many people out without any type of trouble. I believe starch would be a great SHC member within the Community as he's always giving Honest Feedback to help people grow within GL and not even just GL but also IRL. Much love Mr General Starch, and Good Luck.


  5. On 7/4/2022 at 7:14 AM, Kio said:



    -Has done a lot of work

    -Good Community relations 

    -Fantastic Worker

    -Does everything in his Power to make the server better.

    -Still Kinda New to AHC...


    Bub has always tried his best to help others out, and to say that's fantastic. Bub also doesn't allow people to Minge on the server as he's always finding ways to improve everyone by Coaching them, all in all Bub has shown great work within AHC and also the Community. Good Luck Bub 


  6. 4 hours ago, Brand said:

    + Support

    Since I have met Sainty, he has been nothing but kind to me and others, and he has given everybody a fair chance within this server I believe. Sainty knows when he has to be serious, but he can also be very fun at the same time. I personally do not speak to Sainty much (Either a skill issue on my end or I'm just not cool enough) but every time I have spoken to him, it was a positive experience. He seems to want this rank not just to better a certain aspect of the server, but rather the server as a whole. I believe he will do great things as Darth Sainty!


  7. On 5/8/2022 at 6:08 AM, Cecil Stedmen said:

    I know my whole resigning shit only occurred like less than a month ago and shit but genuinely been bored out of my mind, you've prolly seen me on the PoliceRP server like daily for a little bit. While I'm not gonna be touching staff or anything related to that to avoid any stress on myself, gonna be hanging out again until I master the art of "touching grass".

    Come back to ImperialRP! Just don't fuck with Security Officers!!!

  8. On 6/28/2022 at 6:42 AM, Tactical said:

    reason i say this is because zeros addons are very good but just do not work properly with our server, (causes bugs and issues)
    the meth lab thing is very hard and big to setup so would be very hard to make money from it etc

    Meth is bad. Weed is decent. Printers are god.

  9. On 6/26/2022 at 5:41 AM, Alonzo said:


    Would be a waste of time and at this point just throwing more addons/jobs on than needed.

    Already have more than enough Tactical units that can pretty much handle any situation where needed

  10. On 6/29/2022 at 3:56 AM, Ecott said:

    +/- Support

    + Sounds like a good idea if there any Court Cases on and have someone there who can cuff and uncuff people before/after a trial if they are guilty or not guilty etc

    - Would help to have some sort of Content Linked to the post of a E.G Link to a Playermodel with the playermodel path etc

  11. 9 hours ago, K I W I said:

    Seems genuine, also a permanent ban for spamming props seems overly harsh as players are limited regardless to how many props they can spam?
    Definitely recommending though that you never spam spawn props again
    Also here's your actual steam ID, try editing the topic and putting this in place of the number that you provided: STEAM_0:1:526491961


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