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Posts posted by Darby

  1. On 7/16/2022 at 9:13 AM, Slasher said:

    +Major Support

    -He is High Command in FBI and the Marshal of USMS the highest rank also HRT CPT and Ex-State CPT

    -He has been a PD CPT for awhile 

    -He is really active 

    -he knows what he is doing 

    -He know how to handle reports 

    -He is reliable 

    -He is highly respected

    -He is nice and friendly

    Spoon is one of the best leaders I know. He has been putting in a lot of effort for a long time and overall deserves Major.

  2. On 7/16/2022 at 5:22 AM, Saint 🙂 said:


    - Active PD Low Command member

    - Extremely helpful as a Captain, and I feel that he would fit right in as a Major

    - Since I've been back, he's hosted countless meetings to address the state of PD to ensure that they are always on the right track

    (I mean come on it's Logan, who wouldn't want him as a Major)


  3. On 7/14/2022 at 12:25 PM, Anomaly said:


    Daze is a great Candidate for the Commander Position. Ever since I've joined DT he has been there every step of the way helping to mentor me and other DT enlisted-NCO's to grow and become better. I think one of the reasons I am the NCO I am today is because of people like Daze's leadership and teaching. He is always helpful and calm and collected even in stressful situations and brings plenty of experience to the table having been VCMDR. As a plus he is also Admin and GMVII he has done so much for the server and I know he will continue doing so whatever his position! 

    Side note: Application very well written and to the point!


  4. On 7/14/2022 at 6:33 AM, Still said:


    +Twinkles has shown great dedication to the 501st legion, and always excels at his position as an NCO. He show's great help with all the officers.

    +Has experience. Twinkles as an NCO show's great leadership skills! It would be an honor to have him along side in the Officer ranks

    Overall I support this post. Twinkles shows great attitude and is always around to help! That is all from me, best of luck twinkles!



  5. 17 hours ago, Agent said:


    You are currently on LOA but before that you were arguably one of if not best Sergeants within the NCO core. You did trainings/tryouts and made sure people were welcomed and understood what they needed to do. You put your in the 501st and would do well as a officer.


  6. On 7/10/2022 at 4:06 PM, Crunch said:


    While being a shorter app, NoShow shines through in game by being extremely active, professional, and knowledgeable. Honestly I saw this app and was extremely surprised he wasn't already an Officer. More than deserving of this position.


  7. On 7/15/2022 at 5:11 AM, Parkerxxx said:

    - Support
    Steam ID is incorrect, you get your Steam ID from the Nova roster or use a Steam ID tool online to look it up.
    Application meets the bare minimums, I suggest you go back and put a bit more effort into this! Best of Luck!


  8. On 7/10/2022 at 8:01 AM, Sir Azrael said:

    SGM Azrael Review on this app - Pros and cons will be based on experience I have had/quality of the person.

    The App review.

    The app you have made is very clean and has many qualities to it and some cons to it. Allow me to note what stand out.

    Qualities to the app.
    No strikes

    Ambition to grow the team

    Has stated "I want to continue events and help the server"

    Aware of ULX

    Knows the value of a GM.

    Correct formatting of creating a mega event. 

    A good plan too!


    Only joined may 10th

    Has only done 2 mega events.

    [It has highlighted in yellow as its mild and not critical/affecting your chances.]


    Overall You will be receiving my +support.


    All the best, Anomaly.

    Kind regards





  9. On 7/10/2022 at 8:23 AM, Sir Azrael said:

    SGM Azrael Review on this app - Pros and cons will be based on experience I have had/quality of the person.

    The App review.

     Before anything wow the formatting and the correct cleanest of this app I have to already say I am impressed even before reading I have high hopes for this. 

    Qualities to the app.

    Experience - As you have stated, you have experience within the GM team and being a prior GM

    No strikes active/given through out your GM life. 

    Ambition - As you have stated "you never join a server unless you want to give your loyalty to it." That is something I do agree personally with.

    ULX Master - 6 years!? Damn he has deffo got the experience 

    In game life | Role - You are the DT VCMDR. You clearly have the maturity to be one of the SGM team with maturity.


    The Mega event plan should have followed how the doc works. 

    Other than that nothing else. Your app is basically 9/10 and I see no issues. 

    Overall You will be receiving my +Mega support. I really do hope you make it! 


    All the best, Daze.

    Kind regards



  10. On 7/10/2022 at 8:13 AM, Sir Azrael said:

    SGM Azrael Review on this app - Pros and cons will be based on experience I have had/quality of the person.

    The App review.

    Your app for me is a 50/50. Whilst you have brought good responses and knowing you, you do have ambitions your app is short and will note all the Qualities and cons to your app!

    Qualities to the app.

    Experience - You know what you're doing!

    Ambition - You have the qualities of a true star wars fan

    You know your lore - Big fan as you have stated.

    Positive attitude.- You are a splendid person and I think the team would benefit having a good leader.


    Cons to the app.

    Short app - More written detail | More reasons would benefit.

    Incorrect mega plan format | Mega doc does have a format we use whilst you did show how to conduct it the format needs to follow. 

    [All in yellow as it is not critical/going to affect your chances but criticism to your app.]


    Overall, you will be receiving my  +support. I cannot wait to see what you can bring. 



    All the best, Theta.

    Kind regards



  11. 5 hours ago, Cecil Stedmen said:


    While most enlisted make the occasional mistake due to the job title throwing people off, which is reasonable due to most people not being taught how to counter an EOI Operative in RP. This individual lied about an 8286 breach to create a false ID check. Absolutely should be punished.


  12. On 7/4/2022 at 12:42 PM, Kio said:

    Huge +Support

    -Chill guy

    -Does his work when told to

    -Does everything he can



    -Works well with others

    -Learns fast 

    -Helped Improve the Community for others by Removing Bad people


    Mann has always thrown all of the Drama Away as he's doing everything he can to give everyone RP, I believe he'll fit the rank of Vader as he's pretty Chill and he's willing to learn anything new.
    Good Luck Mann.


  13. On 7/7/2022 at 1:54 AM, Lukas II. said:


    + Very well written Application
    + Always helps people and is very friendly
    + has done many updateds in Purge, IQ and RG battalions
    + Has a Strong Leadership 
    + he is a man with a lot of experience
    + Dedicated to this Community
    + Great guy

    Good Luck Vertigo


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