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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. +Support looks like you would do very well as an event team just chill out on the toxicity some times. Other than that you are good fit.
  2. In-Game Name: Sprink Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:433844802 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Platinum How long have you been playing on the server?: I have been playing on the server since December of 2019. Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: Many times again. How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): https://imgur.com/a/InkUpoQ Why do you want to join event team? I would like to become Event Team for a plethora of reasons. That being I would like to bring more roleplay and research-oriented events to the server. Most of the events nowadays are focused on PVP and leave out most of the non-combatant jobs. I would like to change that and bring more events like "A leak has appeared in LCZ Maintenance need to fix it before it affects Site Containment chambers and lighting". It's a very simple change to include RP branches into Events but it's needed for the survival of the server. SMT has been focusing on bringing back more RP to the server but in reality, it's up to the players and Event team to make that change actually happen. Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?: I should be trusted to be a part of the Event Team due to my experience. I have been a SCPRP Admin and Event Team twice now and this will be my first time actually applying and not going through the interview process. During my time as Staff and Event team, I made mistakes the first time and I learned from that and ended up but, then reapplied a few months later and had a completely spotless record during my time as a Senior Moderator and ET Member. This time around I plans on having the same record. I am back once again to Gaminglight this time to make a difference for the Community and player base as a whole. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes, I am completely familiar with all ULX commands like the back of my hand. Describe an event you could create (Be specific): An event that I have been thinking about and wanting to host for a while is an Event that would include all branches on the server. Finally not leaving anyone out of the experience. The Event would go along the lines of a pipe exploding in the LCZ from an unknown cause. Research and Maintenance would head out to the location and discover the cause of the break and attempt to fix it. They would soon find out that it would not be fixable and it would flood the area. It would cause power surges leading to the lights flickering on and off and the teslas turning on. Maintenance would have to figure out a way to block up the water from coming out or it would lead to SCP CP's surging and opening letting them out. This of course would then lead to a plethora of problems and eventually, a Ragnorok would have to be called. The Event could use some work in the planning stage but, could turn out to be something cool as a mega event. I'm sure the rest of the Event Team would be able to help and refine the plan. Thanks.
  3. Name: Sprink Rank: PFC Date of strike: 10/10/22 Who striked you: Shadow Reason for the strike: Inactivity Why should it be removed: I had made an LOA the same day that I was striked for inactivity and unfortunately it didn't go in before Shadow checked the stuff. I was really busy with school work and GenSec but, I will make sure to be more active and make my LOAs sooner.
  4. Just because the sit takes long is no excuse to jump the gun with warning and close the sit without following guidelines, its your should to get to the bottom of the situation which you did not do. You sat there not speaking at all the majority of the sit. I showed you proof to back up my story and connected the dots which you state yourself in your own reply? Yet you still do a formal warning when you yourself don't even understand the situation because neither me or the reporter had proof to cover the entire context of the situation. It states that you must have clear evidence to back up a report that the reporter did not have. Especially when its hard to even understand you in the first place when you don't speak during the entire sit how is someone supposed to even defend themselves?
  5. Your In-game Name: Sprink Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:433844802 The admin's name in-game: Tank. What warning did you receive: RDM When did you receive this warning: 10/15/22 Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: During difficult riots in d-block, a d-class in question was crossfired due to multiple people shooting and be being shot around his general location. He also had medkit out which made it look like he may have had some sort of contraband out. Due to me being shot at by both a d-class and mobster it led me to shoot him thinking he was the one attacking me even though it was the other people around the same location. Why do you think this warn was false: I explained the situation to the staff member and explained that it was simply a mistake and instance of cross fire which happens regularly in d-block due to the stressful environment and multiple shooters who are indistinguishable due to their orange suits and similar heads. I sent the log images proving the fact of the multiple combatants around him actively being shot/shooting at me. During the entire sit Tank the staff member who handled the sit was completely silent he proceeded to say absolutely nothing or ask any questions while me and the reporter quarreled about the situation. The reporter himself stated that the only reason he made a sit in this situation was due to the fact that I have reported him in the past and gotten him warned/banned multiple times which Tank can confirm and is in chat logs. Tank still proceeded to say nothing and even called in another staff member who also said nothing during the sit most likely confused as to what was happening. Tank then violated staff guidelines and warned me randomly without notice and then closed the sit STILL without saying a word. Evidence the warning is false: Evidence the Reporter presented: (You can hear me immediately shooting other d-class via a longbow and being shot at, at the same location Rex was at with a revolver). https://medal.tv/u/BillyNull In the video title you can see the fact that the title is "yucky boi who reported me for using longbow" which proves the fact that he recognizes the fact I have reported him in the past and it only using that as a reason to call this sit and attempt to get me warned no matter the fact of the situation unfolding around him. Below are the images of the other people being shot and shooting me in his same location during the same time period. Here is the combat of me killing Rex the reporter Started shooting at the mobster in the picture below from the location of Rex then ran forward to kill him and the other d-class who continued to shoot at me. Clip of Tank not alerting me of the fact that I was being warned nor that he was closing the sit. Continued to be quiet the entire time. Thank you and I hope you consider my warn appeal and realize the situation going on.
  6. As long as he doesn’t harass any more women he has my +support.
  7. Would make a great fit to the GMT SCMD position.
  8. +Support Previous command in the branch.
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