The biggest, and most agreeable factor I read on this post was that the server has turned to Combat. RP Branches are barely staying above the water right now. Research has been taking blow after blow these past couple months, Medical and Maintenance are constantly in this battle for the past 2 years, and R&D sunk low for the past 5 months. The fact that D5 can now do Tests takes away all purpose of being in Research. Why just test, when you can now shoot and test? This has been a problem for months on end, and has been dramatically increasing at an alarming rate. I really hope people will take this into consideration, and help the RP Branches provide more RP. I have made countless suggestions to make R&Ds RP more pronounced, and much of the time, MTF Highcommand will either decline it, or disagree among themselves (being the 3 MTF Branches) about it. Because they like to keep their branches oriented and structured. When I try to meet to compromise these terms, people either failed to meet, or compromise. I do not say this to discriminate any members of MTF Command. I have highest respect for MTF Command, and believe that they do an excellent job in comparison of their predecessor‘s. However, I beg that people would have a better openess to deal with the struggles of new implementations for RP Branches. As RP Branches, our branch updates often can’t just feature new SWEPs, or guns. We need new systems, and options for people who don’t carry weaponry to do, and be beneficial as an outcome. Utilizations are a perfect example. Please consider this, as It would be huge for the RP Portions of the server.