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Posts posted by Chip&Dail

  1. image.png.3b4e3bb9fec2fb5d154cedc49c943110.png
    "Commander ChipDails Monologue"

    So, another one of these, huh? It is definitely interesting to write a third resignation; however, I think this is my final one. I consider this the end of a legacy, an end to a new beginning. I will try to incorporate both a story and some Easter eggs.

    Ever since 2017, this community has brought me joy, laughter, fear, stress, tactical training, leadership, anger, and most importantly, friends. It's been a very long road, one I did not see an end to, up until today.

    This all started with a fearsome, smart, intuitive man named Voxis, who was the initial upbringing of ChipDail. Someone who taught me a lot, unintentionally and intentionally. All I can do is thank him for all he did for me and be glad I know him. 

    I still remember @Drippy and I joining SWAT together, and he is the one that gave me the chance to prove my worth not only in the community but as a SWAT Commander! To this day, I thank him and read his comment under my first resignation post, with a smile on my face, never letting myself forget the memories made along the way.

    Chapter 1: The Opening Scenes
    My road as Commander was fierce, long, tiring, fun, stressful and mightfull. Without the help of a great team: @Vice, @ICE, @Techy and Soul, our achievements in SWAT would not be possible, nor the fun memories made along the way. Out of the 4 great warriors, 1 remained, and assisted me in dark times, thy warriors name was Vice

    Chapter 2: The Younglings
    My next chapter opened up with 2 very insightful individuals. They were lost and worried on our first encounter, one scared the other fierce. Teaching them and seeing them grow stronger each day only made me feel proud and joyful. 2 officers, Hiccup and Archangel, left a crater of a footprint in this community, and I am glad I was the stepping stone for it. (Hey Hiccup, while writing this, I was listening to HTTYD 😉 )
    P.S: Hiccup you are one of the greatest people I was lucky to meet, don't let anything stand in your way, and if you need a wall to be broken, I always got hands to spare.

    Chapter 3: The Greatest Leaders
     Everyone should know the names: Kitty, @Sato, @Ecott, @Solomon, @Smaug, @RussTime. I had a blast serving alongside each and everyone of you! Your teachings and legacy shall never be forgotten! We always fought back to back, with a tight grip and a strong mind!

    Chapter 4: Fresh Blood
    In my final chapter “Fresh Blood”, I was introduced to two brilliant and thoughtful individuals. Not only were both of them my left and right hand of SWAT, but also really great friends. When they saw me on my knees needing help, they didn't just help me stand up, they covered me in the riches of their pure souls, and brilliance. Architect and Vengeance, never give up on what you want to achieve, and never let anyone talk you down, you always got me behind your back. I leave SWAT in your good hands! Don't hesitate to contact me. As the old movie goes “ChipDail the Rescue Rangers”
    Medusa and Prometheus, opened up later in the scenes, with their insightful minds and strong fists, no matter what I said, they would fight for SWAT like no one else, moving any mountain necessary.

    Special Mentions
    The Senior Minge Team, It was fun being on the server with you, @Tactical @Leaky, @Will, Myan, @Nimo. Make sure not to nuke the server too much without me.
    It was fun while
    @MiniEpic, @BruceyBoyo, @Nicc It was fun being around you guys! Stay positive! Keep Strong!

    The End Of a New Beggining
    Like any story, this one has an end, maybe some things didn't go to plan or my expectations, but a story should always have a moment of conflict, emotion or distress, right?
    This is the end of a Legacy for SWAT Commander ChipDail 1K15. Thank you Zeeptin for putting up with all of us for so long!

    image.thumb.png.56ba7c29fe2cb39b68ebf8aca035050d.pngTo Be Continued...image.thumb.png.4cd0f1cf4a435306565913a5aeee12d1.png

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  2. Its Been and INCREDIBLE Honor serving with you back to back, all this time. Knowing each other since so long ago, only bring joy to me. 
    As we all know sadly times change, and everyone has to move! 
    I will greatly miss my close pal ViceVersa and will always be happy to get together and just do something! 

    I salute you old friend! Much love! ❤️ 
    Never forget the memories made, never let go of the lessons learned 
    -SWAT Commander ChipDail 1K15 with much love to Vice 

  3. Sad to see you go so soon, you will be missed. Your energy, jokes and friendliness will be missed community wide! Always waiting for you! 

    Sad to see you go so soon, you will be missed. Your energy, jokes and friendliness will be missed community wide! Always waiting for you! 

  4. ChipDail Senior Moderator Application

    What is your in-game name?: ChipDail

    What is your steam name?: [GL] ChipDail

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:9081632

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes

     I have Server Manager experience on a DarkRP Project for 3-4 years

     I have past staff experience on Gaminglight PoliceRP, Reaching Admin, and SCPRP Reaching Senior Mod.

     Adding to that I gave Strong experience as Teamspeak support and Discord Support, for 3 different servers including Gaminglight

    What date did you start playing on the community: Since around 2017

    What date did you make your forums account: Around 2018, sadly the forum login system was changed and I lost my old account around 2020/2021
    (Current Account is since July 10th 2020)

    Current rank on server: Moderator

    How many warns do you have on the server: 14 all from 2017/18

    What rank are you applying for: Senior Moderator

    Are you staff on another community: No

    Have you read the staff guidelines: Read and Understand! Yes!

    Timezone: GMT Most of the Time, But occasionally switch to MSK(Moscow, Russia)

    Permission: Given by
    Nicc - Admin
    Aaron Faustin - Admin
    RussTime - SuperAdmin

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank:

    With my staffing experience, I believe I can greatly help the server and the community through time and ranks. I have been actively and thoroughly working as a moderator for this month and a half, making sure to show my best as staff, helping the community for the better. I consider myself to be great at handling sits and people in them. I always try to get through sits efficiently but correctly. I am great at working with people, and I always try my best to keep calm and professional. I have been in this community for years and love to see it strive, and I will keep doing everything in my power to keep it that way. I consider myself to have a good influence on the server, knowing how to mix RP and fun together. Adding to that, I have gotten a lot of feedback regarding my skills at identifying rule-breaking and dealing with it on a casual basis without waiting for sits.

    With my strong staff experience, I can be of great help to upcoming staff who need assistance and supervision with anything. I personally always liked assisting people, and this goes both for all the players and other staff members. I am mostly easy to talk to, and I always encourage people to reach out to me if they ever need my help.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you:
    At first, I will try calming them down to have a chat, but if the person keeps going at it, they will get a gag for the reminder of the sit. They will then receive a formal warn for mass RDM and staff disrespect (if there was any), and after that, I will try and find an admin+ for a sufficient ban, but if there are none, I will ban myself and request an extension.

    Topic Edit: Added Poll 03/11/2024

  5. 1) The Conversation on that roof was not even a Staff sit, it just so happened, we were on that roof for some reason

    2) "Soft" its not defined as disrespect, the only reason I said it, is you are playing a Video game, where people Swear, Say Slurs, dissrespect etc. I mentioned, that if you are uncapable of mentally handeling such violations, you should not play videogames. You mentioned to me, "You said Fucking and It offended me so I dissrespected you", in no way shape of form is that a reason for you actions. If your excuse for dissrespecting me is "You Said Fucking" That is invalid. 

    3) "Accidentaly Breaking the Rule" is still Breaking the rule, and I mentioned that if not the dissrespect which was intentional, I would not have warned you. 

    This will be my last reply as to not cause disputed in a Forum post. 

  6. Explanation 
    As stated by Spade, yes, in a perfect world with perfect people, I would not have said the word was "fucking" and been more relaxed. However, I have had 5/6 other people I had to warn for RDM and Staff Diss, and you who attempted to prop minge over 3 times. Instead of actually listening to me, letting me speak, and being calm yourself, you were shouting, dissrespecting and admitting to breaking the rules. 
    No matter if it is a mistake or not, and it was not a mistake, with your extensive warn history, I am not willing to let hou slack off. You ARDM'ed a Cadet AND Staff disrespected. You were punished accordingly. 

    On another note, something you must remember when playing on GamingLight If anyone breaks the MOTD, it does not give you the right to do so. You do, /report and call staff; no excuses are applied. 

    I also mentioned to you after the sit that if you were not to dissrespect me, I would have either given you a verbal or just staff jailed you. However, you proceeded to do otherwise. 
    (If more details Are Needed LMK)

  7. It's Sad to see you go! You put a lot of effort into SWAT and your effort is Highly Respected. 
    o7 Hope to see you around on the server, and hopefully JMT one day? 

  8. @DuckeyWizard When I first saw you, I saw the bright light shimmering light, hidden deep in the dark forest. When I see people with huge potential, I make it my goal to assist them in every way possible. 
    The memories will always stay, and I am glad to have served along side you! In my eyes you will make the Perfect PD High Command, and who knows, maybe commisioner one day! 
    I Salute you, and will miss you in SWAT, but I know you will always be around. 
    P.S.: Hiccup is one of the best Code names to have existed! 
    I take my Hat of and salute you o7

  9. Well, just going to state that we have rules for a reason, failure to follow them, gets you the punishment. 
    There is something called a "Private Chat" which is the exact place you would write such "Jokes" 
    The server has people playing on it, which will not want to see such noncense in OOC or Advert Chats
    A last point I will make, is the you extension to indefinite/perma ban was decided by the Manager of the server. 
    In my eyes your best course of action would have just tried to appolagise instead of blaming and trying to prove yourself right 

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  10. ChipDail Forum Diplomat Application

    In-Game Name: ChipDail

    Steam Name: [GL] ChipDail

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9081632

    What is your staff rank, and the server you work in: Moderator, PoliceRP (Did get Scor's permission to apply)

    How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community: Since around 2017.

    How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight: I have been Staff about 3–4 times over the course of my existence in Gaminlight, both in PoliceRP and SCPRP

    How often are you online on the forums: Try to be active in responding to applications and important topics, will for sure be more active in this position.

    Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat: I believe myself to be very skilled in handling such situations. I have been a staff member for a long time in GamingLight, have been teamspeak support, and have only heard positive replies to my work. I also have an enormous amount of management experience on Garrys mod servers. I am great at getting my job done, and until I get it done, I cant just leave it for later. 

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision. Yes. It is not easy to think of such situations, as they happen often. I had to make difficult decisions when working on the SWAT department in PoliceRP. People would tell me the idea or change was 50/50, but in the end, it was the best decision I made. I consistently make decisions when working on staff sits, and when dealing with people, taking into account their emotions, human factors, sarcasm, and my prior experience working with people. Some decisions that other Staff or Friends cannot make, and ask for my assistance to help. I know I make good decisions based on the number of people who trust my judgment and come to me for help.

    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers: I don't know exactly what "powers" forum diplomats have; however, in an ideal scenario, I would mute the person, not let them type, and delete their messages. If there is a private chat, I would message the person, and based on how cooperative they are, I would either leave them muted or ban them based on protocol.

    How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal: I would issue a verbal warning telling everyone to cool down, and if that does not work, mute the two people and lock the topic only for JMT+ to respond.

  11. +/- Support
    Highly Experienced
    Very good in being Strict and Helpful
    Works great with the community

    Reasons Against
    Ganta, I personally have nothing against you, but there are a couple issues that I am worried to see if you get assistant chief
    While you have improved from previous problems, I am worried if they show again while PD High Command
    From overhearing people around the server, the public opinion of you is split between people liking you and people disliking/fearing you (And yes We all have haters and fans)
    Just comparing you to other candidates, I feel like they would be a better fit, as High command needs help and there is no room for error

  12. +/- Support



    Open Minded and Welcoming


    Reasons Against

    Scruffy, you are and experienced and respected member of the server however there are reasons I would not want to see you as assistant chief when comparing you to other candidates

    You are not as experienced as High Command compared to other applicants

    You are not as strict when it comes to disciplinary actions

    In my eyes you could make a good high command but only after a long period of time of learning and adapting, whilst others can start right away


  13. +/- Support

    Great keeping a cool head in any situation he is in

    Perfect and handling any problems

    Great Leader

    Strong Motivator and Good friends


    The Only Problem Sato

    Please don't take this personally

    SRT as of today is not as strong with their High Command, and you leaving it will not be easy. 

    I personally think you need to gain and do more as TAC High Command before moving on. 

    You are for sure ready to become assistant chief, but there is no need specifically for you to do it right now.

    There is nothing wrong with you in a professional matter, only the fact that TAC at the moment needs you more than ever. 
    I also think you need to engage with the community a bit more than you already do (I know you are the quiet

  14. +Support

    A Very friendly part of the server

    Perfect at handling any disputes or issues

    Very open minded, great with adding something new to the server

    Has a constantly working mind, allowing for being perfect at doing any work assigned


    Additional Notes:

    Nicc, You are a very good friend and someone I am sure will strive as PD High Command.

    People Love you and people respect you

    There is one BUT

    I personally do NOT want to see you leave State. As much as PD High Command is great for you, State needs you more.

    I already know the workload you go through and yes you might need a change on scenery, but State needs you and I cannot imagine state without you present

    There are just so many factors to becoming PD High Command, except just being fit for it. 

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