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Posts posted by Mary

  1. On 10/8/2020 at 12:42 PM, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:

    -Support for this only. If it gets moved to 1, it'll get in the way when trying to switch to med kit. I'd recommend keeping it in slot 2, but renaming it so it comes after Keys.

    +Support for everything else because why not. 


  2. On 10/11/2020 at 2:16 AM, CreameyCheesey said:



    Job Name: Security Sniper

    Health Change: 125 --> 150

    Weapon Change: tfa_m98b --> tfa_dragunov

    Weapon Change: tfa_csgo_cz75 --> tfa_csgo_mac10

    Salary Change: $100 -->  $110



    +support on everything else 
    -support on the changes for SEC Sniper

  3. Grade: 95/100

    Lore: 25/25

    Creativity: 25/25

    Presentation: 20/25 - Play with the colors a bit! Be creative with your logs!

    Writing: 25/25

    Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

    Extra Notes: Also remember to put a link to the SCP wiki about the SCP if it is not currently in the game. This helps sense some people might not know about the SCP you are testing on.

  4. What is your in-game name?: 

    What is your steam name?:
    [GL] Mary

    What is your steam ID?: 

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)
    No, but I am very willing to learn.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)
    I would have to say sometime around July, maybe a month before that. 

    What date did you make your forums account?
    July 8, 2020.

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?
    None as far as I know.


    Have you donated?
    40 Dollars.

    What rank are you applying for?
    Trial Mod.

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?

    Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it:
    Yes, and I fully understand them. 


    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    First off,  I was not very experienced with GMOD or being staff on any server. I have only been playing on this server for about 3-4 weeks and I have learned a lot about this community, along with the people in it. I would like to help the community grow and give new players a friendly welcome and help them with any problems they or anyone else might have. I am also active more during nights, this is the time when most of the rules get broken because people think staff aren't active. I don't want staff to be looked at like this, and if I were to be picked I would be helping out more people during the nights when it's needed. If I were also to be picked to be apart of the staff team, I would do my very best to learn from my higher ups and always try to get better. I also know if I were to be picked, I would be an uneasy start for me sense I would not be used to being staff or working the commands. However, I would try my very best to practice and get more experienced. 

    I am also rather known around the server and the community. I also try to be active on the forums, looking at other peoples posts and helping in any way I can. I'm also active within the server, helping others get trained or helping new players get started or telling them stuff not most people get to learn the easy way at first. I may have not been on the server all that long, but I do know some pretty amazing people and I have gotten to become friends with a few of them.  I also try to make myself known by trying to get into a few branches that would interest me or I know I could do well in. 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    First off, I would bring the person who reported them to the admin sit room and ask them what had happened. I would then look at the logs to see if they were telling the truth. If he is telling the truth, I would bring the Mass RDMer to the sit and calmly explain to them what they did wrong. If they start to curse or do anything mean to either me or the person who reported them , I would freeze them, issue a gag on them and then explain to them the punishment for mass RDM. I would give them the warning then ask an admin+ to give them the ban for mass RDM. While I would be waiting for a admin+ to help me, I would then explain why they would be getting the warn and the ban. 

    Thank you for reading my application! 


  5. Grade: 80/100

    Lore: 25/25

    Creativity: 20/25 - Not all that creative, I have seen this done before but still a good idea.

    Presentation: 25/25

    Writing: 10/25 - Noticed a rather large amount of grammatic errors. 

    Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

    Extra Notes: N/A

  6. +support

    While he was in CI, I noticed his say a few toxic things to other people. And the video clearly shows him being toxic and player dissing. He was also removed for the same reason (I believe).

  7. On 10/4/2020 at 12:49 PM, NeoID said:


    - By doing this, CI would be a lot more immersive, and just fun overall to play on. 

    - Activity would be a lot better, for both Military and R&D, with more to do in-base.

    - This could contribute to how people look at CI, making more people train to join the branch, which is more fun for everyone!

    - CI base is kind of bland at the time, and some more detail or purpose to the place would be great!



  8. Grade: 75/100

    Lore: 10/25 - I don't see how this would be connected with the lore, sense the CI wouldn't care if he knew math or not.

    Creativity: 25/25 - It may be a weird idea but it is creative and I have not seen it done.

    Presentation: 25/25

    Writing: 15/25 - The writing was good, however, I wish there was more to the log than just a few lines of dialogue.

    Test quality: Meets Expectations 

    Extra Notes: N/A

  9. Grade: 80/100

    Lore: 15/25 - Wasn't too sure what the test was about or what it was trying to complete. Maybe add that in the beginning of the log so it doesn't confuse people

    Creativity: 25/25 - Haven't seen this done so far and it was an interesting test idea to put a chip inside SCP-682

    Presentation: 20/25 - I think this test format, but maybe put some details into one paragraph or sentence. Also mess around with the colors a bit! 

    Writing: 20/25 - I saw a few missing commas and periods, along with a few grammatic errors. However, everything else was great!

    Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

    Extra Notes: N/A

  10. Grade: 95/100

    Efficiency: 25/25 - I think how you did this test, right to the point and did not ask off-topic questions! 

    Insight: 25/25

    Presentation: 25/25 - I really like this test format, looks good and it easy on the eyes. 

    Writing: 20/25 - I saw a few missing commas and periods, along with a few question marks. Overall was a good read!

    Additional comment: N/A

    Overall: A

    Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

  11. Grade: 90/100

    Efficiency: 25/25 - You did it fast and got everything you needed from the researcher, also didn't get killed once GENSEC found you and the researcher. 

    Insight: 25/25

    Presentation: 20/25 - Some of the sentences were hard to read, maybe pick colors that aren't as bright.

    Writing: 20/25 - This log was a little short, maybe have added a few little details about the room or how you got him in there. Overall was interesting to read. 

    Additional comment: N/A

    Overall: B+

    Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

  12. Grade: 80/100

    Lore: 20/25 - Lore followed pretty well with SCP-049, only question is to why CI would even want to work with an SCP in the first place.

    Creativity: 20/25 - I have seen this done a few times before where CI try to work with an SCP but not so much with SCP-049.

    Presentation: 20/25 - Could use a little bit of color, maybe make each dialogue a different color to separate it a bit more. Also, be creative with you test log format!

    Writing: 20/25 - I noticed a few missing periods or commas here and there. Also a few grammatic errors. However, the writing was okay!

    Test quality: Meets exceptions.

    Extra Notes: Overall was a good test idea, could have used a bit more story to it. Also, make sure you have permission from the people you put in your logs. Play around with the colors of your test, I can teach you how to do this sense it is your first time using google docs!

  13. ++support

    I was gunna make a report myself just a few minutes ago, however, my laptop started giving me problems 

    EDIT: I also have a video of Vinki spamming the chat and player dissing as well 


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