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Everything posted by GarGar

  1. +support they really needed this
  2. o7 see you later alcoholic you were one of the best
  3. -support the KRISS Vector is already really good its uneeded.
  4. I’m gonna miss you bro o7
  5. Name: Gar Rank: 2LT Timezone: EST FTO (Y/N): Y Discord#1234: Gumbo#2315 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: Enuzers Do you wish to remain apart of Military?: Yesssirr
  6. I'm gonna miss gambling with you you son of a bitch
  7. GarGar

    Goodbye! -J0LT

    i hate you so much
  8. god damnit im gonna miss gambling with you
  9. GarGar

    J3fff resignation

    o7 another one down
  10. -support Its over 3 months old pretty sure it's against the rules to even do a appeal at this time. If that's not true then +support.
  11. I don't know recently but if they're killed for the reason that they "tried to call me out" it wouldn't work.
  12. Just keep him from getting in like warren said.
  13. Yes that's the job I was thinking about I'll edit it real quick =
  14. Post name: MOTD Change for Call Out from Containment Specialists. What are you suggesting? - The MOTD should add that containment specialists aren't allowed to call out CI raids since I heard from a admin that in there SOP it says that there not allowed to call out a CI raid since not everyone knows this. How would this change better the server? - It would let everyone know they can't call out and won't give some new CI some nervousness about calling a CI raid out and them being killed. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Nope I don't think so. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Containment specialists killed from new CI thinking there going to get called out. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - If someone had the screenshot of that rule in there SOP that would be great.
  15. +support +already thought it was a thing but I guess most people followed it by common sense.
  16. -support give them a worse shotgun that would be fine
  17. +/- support +The punishment does seem extreme for the circumstances and it seems there was targeting involved. -Still toxic about it and need to just chill out and take a breather.
  18. -support -can be useful but it's extremely situational.
  19. +support +gets in the way of switching from 3rd to 1st person
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