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Lime King

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Everything posted by Lime King

  1. -Support Already handled in game by techy/reaperthosuand. -player was given a verbal -no reason to start drama when something happened already been handled
  2. Lime King


  3. Damn brodie even though we didn't play much together i'll miss you!
  4. Soft -support -no screenshot of warns -but other than that have only had great experiences with this player! -best of luck moving forward
  5. Lmao -Support its failrp to jump off the bridge while in cuffs
  6. A wedding that went off without a mass RDM fest!?!?!?
  7. +Support seems like a misunderstanding between all parties involved but for future reference always check the board at spawn or /advert Taxes?
  8. We will miss you brodie take a break and stay safe sir!
  9. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=151049910&searchtext=NLR+timer I dont know if this is the one but there's a NLR addon that'll show a circle of where the player died. But this one way still be useful (i know it was made in 2013 but there are recent comments as early as yesterday. +Support
  10. -Support -as fun as they are to use (even if you get clapped by them sometimes LOL) it's never fun top get one shotted for showing the smallest part of your body -they need to be treated as an extremely rare item that everyone doesn't need/nor should have -there are still plenty in circulation that people can sell to each other
  11. Hello citizen of Rockford, my name is Peter Weyland owner and founder of WYC. We have come to your city in the pursuit of making first contact with extraterrestrial life and we will be using your fine city as our base of operations. We will be heavily recruiting new members in the pursuit of greatness. We are here for one goal and one goal only, to make the city of Rockford ours and to further our own interests in R&D and alike. Please see the below attached info to join us today. You will be contacted via discord with the status of your application! Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiXnXMyHHKo0w3QAX7zGjm49KcH7N4tldwUMg5ui1Hsic7FQ/viewform Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dngyaCsbYIFrydSm_RV0EDVCQV28O29ZaBUjHHA-rsA/edit#gid=898194487 Discord: https://discord.gg/eWR8UKp8 Report Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vQt0yV3rNJB1AsTA2IQbPzJi8Y5oAzLQkv5Rqk_RVwM/edit "Building Better Worlds"
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