Your in game name: Lime King
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:191998466
The player's in game name: Loyalty Killer, Sid the Serial Killer, Mint Killer
The player's steam ID (required): Loyalty Killer: STEAM_0:1:422488490 Sid: STEAM_0:0:10352524 Mint: STEAM_0:1:509777554
What did the player do: FailRP/RDM
Evidence (required):
Any extra information: So backstory Sid has a hit on me thats that start of the whole situation so I take cover inside whitehouse, he was driving with Loyalty and Mint BEFORE THEY HAD KILLER IN THEIR NAME AND ONCE THEY SAW ME WITH A NEGEV THEY CHANGED THEIR NAMES TO ASSIST HIS HIT ON ME. They then proceed to run up on me all 3 of them and sid trys to finish his hit and they others RDM me. They are all well known minges and deserve the warn