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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. What is your in-game name?: Jack

    What is your steam name?: [GL]Jackwebb1112

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:102743983

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I do in fact. I have been staff on literally ever server I've ever joined. Mainly Eclipse gaming  and other that I don't remember, mostly have shut down (including eclipse). I was basically manager of Eclipse and staff on there for 5/6 years strait, I manage ULX stuff and tested new updates and made sure they were A-ok I also managed staff on there. On other servers I just mainly stood around admin and did a majority of sits.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)  Mon, Dec 9, 2019 3:37 PM (thanks to 076 bot on utility discord)

    What date did you make your forums account? May, 12, 2020

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Gold

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?


    The homophobia one I learned my mistake and took the ban and warn with open arms, I deserved it fully and took full responsibility. I watch my mouth from now on and it has honestly helped me watch my words from then on.

    Have you donated? yes, around $400. 180 on this account and around 220 on my other account.

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Mod

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Not anymore

    Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it: Yes I have and understood

    Timezone: central

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum). Well I believe I am fairly well known on the server and well liked. I would love to help out the other staff members and help relieve them of any duty holding back their RP potential. I honestly love taking sits because I know I get to help people and then teaching people the rules to hancen their RP. One thing that I notice is that when in a sit some staff would not like to fully describe what the person did wrong and did the bare minimum and left the offender sometimes actually confused of what they did and they would believe it to be a BS reason. I try to help as many out as possible and even go out of the server and try to help people out if they have any personal issues that I can tell is hurting them. I fully care about every single person I ever meat even if it's the only time I do. I wish to be able to assist more people and I believe staffing would help me accomplish this goal. Everything I  try to do is for the betterment of people in any situation for fairness and justice. I am very calm and do pretty well under pressure, I don't get angry or heated at all and I'm pretty laid back. I treat every scenario like the same and go into with the goal to inform people of what they did wrong and hopefully clear confusion and hope to have someone learn something new and admit to their mistake.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would try to have them calm down peacefully and warn them if they continue then they are making it worse for themselves and say if they continue then they will be gagged. If they continue then I gag them then list off the reasons why he is going to be warned forMass RDM and staff diss. Then after I warn them say that they are receiving a 5 day ban for mass RDM.



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  2. -support
    I would honestly LOVE to see this implemented but, this can create an entire empire of making guns with the rezn....I mean jacks obviously at top collecting all the guns and giving out money to create basically a mafia, again obviously ripping of the irishman. Joking aside I would like this but 1. No addon is sadly available and would have to start from scratch and 2. D-block is extremely fragile with balancing, I can use the knife incident as an example. The day the knives were added all gensec left....it caused major issues with activity and I don't want that to happen. I think the balancing current with D-block is not the best with D-class being underpowered but I mean it's meant to be since you know, their D-class. I don't want to mess with this fragile beast since it can EASILY be broken and if it means to be a little underpowered or to keep the balance and activity intact, I'm going with the 2nd option.

  3. I personally never liked any of the new rules in place on both sides. I think all this has created is just a huge headache on every side that we all hate. I honestly want to go back to the time where if CI raided they kill everyone or take utility/researchers. I want the time where non-combatants can only fire if fired upon by CI or just flat out murdered, as it MAKES SENSE. I understand how this can be frustrating to research during a mass test, but I think if CI could compromise by not messing with major RP situations. Like a research mass test or a mass utility patrol, and if that is being taken place then the person holding such event can contact CI who are on the server saying what's going on and CI can avoid said area. If non of that is going on then it's fair game. Utility and research are able to attack if attacked upon and can be taken again (I honestly love being taken, it adds some rich RP from my days in medbay), and CI can kill non-combatants if they wish or take them. Also where we can call Ci out again. If this is an issue we could maybe extend the time from each CI raid, but changing the rules of witch who CI can kill is getting very confusing. Take this as you wish but this is my personal view.

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  4. +support
    The rules hoovy made are meant to stay and I think they just forgot to edit the MOTD. Also the infiltrator rules are blank for most utility member and so they can do stuff that I think they can't do and I think making the rules apparent so it won't cause confusion and arguments. I'm not the biggest fan of the new rules in place but their there. CI rules are in the shadows of the unknown and with CI can possibly get away with stuff that goes against their SOP's, I'm not calling anyone out i'm just stating this as valid evidence to move this forward.

  5. +support
    This would help GENSEC, CI, Medical, MTF. GENSEC would be closer to medbay and make it where they hopefully wouldn't buy medkits from armory and not just stay in D-block. CI wouldn't have to deal with medicals lockdown and could strengthen their raids. MTF wouldn't have to go through medbays clutter with research and medical staff blocking their ways. Medical will hopefully get more activity with the proximity of D-Block.

  6. people saying this is not lore friendly but 682 is an extremely smart being. He wouldn't spare life but say "if you open this I'll spare you" than just kill him anyways. He would also follow CI because he knows their freeing him than again betray him. It's not teaming it's just 682 is extremely smart and understands things that people here don't think he does so saying it's not lore friendly doesn't make sense

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  7. 11 hours ago, Catsro said:

    +/- Support 
    I always thought RIG was made to fill the void of security/mtf not being able to escort research. That being said I would think that they would uphold the same properties by eliminating hostiles that might interfere with their escort. Now if RIG Units where just running around without an escort killing things it would be a different story entirely. I am also not opposed to suggestion being accepted as it wouldn't change much.

    I'm leaning to +support because yesterday (squash) was in a choke hallways literally doing security's job with no researcher in site (I don't even know if 1 was on). This is not the first time I've seen this happen and sadly my recording software is bugging out so I don't have any video of him doing it. I  think if the RIGS could switch over to like HLPR Bot Alpha's for technical than it would make a little more sense. It's been really good actually with D-class and CI not shooting up the HLPR Bots and i think this shows that D-class and CI aren't shoot first ask questions later type of mentality that I've seen some people suggest.  I'll be fine if this gets enforced more than I wouldn't mind it but if it continues than idk because the RIGS can cripple D-class down a long hallway same with CI.

  8. Name : Jack

    Branch(es) : All 3

    Rank(s) : Chief Manager, Senior Technician, Janitor

    How would you rate your activity? (1-10): 10

    Why you should keep your position (Command Only, 100 word minimum for LCMD, 150 for HCMD): Well I think I'm one of the most active command member in medical. I think I'm doing a good job so far in having command be active and do their job and having some doctors train for surgeon and some field work to give them some experience. I'm actively trying to better the sub-branches and it shows by my recent action for surgical and trying to figure out why surgical isn't doing the best. Me and the fellow managers plus gordon all got together the other day and got a fully updated roster.

    Any changes you would like to see: Nothing I think needs changing

    Any notes or questions: hope 🙂

  9. +support
    If the rooms in the back are meant to replace the ones in utility bunks than yes. But if they are for new SCP's idk because with the HCZ Idea I think a lot of new SCP's are being added to fast, playable ones I mean. We need to make the server able to progress and if we add upon it over and over again really quick than it won't be able to add new stuff/harder to. I mean I love the idea it's just if those are new SCP's than I would believe either the HCZ suggestion or this one would be denied BUT be able to be implemented later on, as they are both good ideas and believe would be amazing.

  10. +support
    With this adding new SCP's and new tactical routes to take for MTF and CI. Utility with more things to fix, clean, and for more people to heal when they get hurt. With research able to do more test. Also if we can't fit all the cells with SCP's I have an idea for a medical outpost in HCZ possibly for the ACM or high ranking field medics, this would also help MTF with time and CI can fear RP medics for them sweet heals. Or we can fit them with something else like some holding cells for prisoners and a holding cell for D-class to be taken there by security and have MTF pick em up and take them to SCP's. With events they can hold even bigger SCP's with the new cells and even more at the same time. It may take some time but I think this would be amazing to add.

  11. -support
    It would lead to confusion of new players. Also sometimes when your running away and trying to make a hasty escape it doesn't pick up the card and doesn't open. Also would be a hassle. Even if you do get stuck from time to time doesn't mean it needs to be changed especially when it would take some time to fix.

  12. +/- support

    Since he actually manned up and admitted to his actions I think he just deserves a strike or a good talking to. He understood what he did wrong and that's the main thing that truly matters in my opinion and as long as he doesn't do it again than he should be fine. Everyone makes mistakes and as long as people learn from them than that's how you know their good.

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