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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. I would recommend changing the model 500 to its original state. Making it hit for a lot, not to mention it was and I think a RNG weapon, with old fire rate as well as kick. It's meant to be a high damage gun hints it's huge recoil as well as fire rate. Making it do very little damage in return for fire rate doesn't seem right as it's meant to do a shit ton of damage. Besides that love the guns currently as well all the hard work you do for them as well. Thanks a lot bread!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. +support
    I remember when turners was a little OFC, same with a lot of people I know from gensec ;-;. But he has been one of the nicest people and most dedicated I've seen for a hot minute. He's been at captain for again a hot minute and i think it's time for him to move up. Good luck my man :techthumbsup:

  3. -support
    Although your intentions was good you were on Dr. Bright and apparently there was a trainer online. You should let the trainer know about these trainee's and have him deal with it. You didn't mean harm but this is still RDM.

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