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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. -support
    Ok so 1. Yes that counts as a racial slur.
    2. You obviously meant it as a racial slur.
    3. The meaning behind that word is still the same, just because you change the arrangement of letters slightly doesn't mean shit
    4. The difference between the N-word and slight variations of it are not even close to normal cuss words. You can't compare them and using that as an argument is childish.
    5. Saying if someone found it racist even tho "TECHNICALLY" it isn't the word and saying it's their problem is again, not an excuse or valid argument.
    6. You implying that this can be seen as a racial slur is more than enough evidence to implement this ban. For future reference if you have to think about doing something that could get you warned or seen as something bad, don't do it.
    7. You even stated a slight tweak in the word you said can be seen as racist even from your point of view, just no.

    I can't even fathom how wrong this appeal is and everything about it. This is a hard no from me and I'm guessing everyone else who has seen this post.

  2. +support
    Just because you don't want to spend a little more money on ammo, which is already pretty cheap and it gives you like 500 extra rounds which is a lot, not to mention I don't buy much ammo as your only going to get about 1-2 clips out before dying or having to switch to a melee. Not to mention yes D-class is a big part of the server and yet this won't really do much, buffing a D-class and not even forcing people to go to the class just making it a convenience to go to it. It will not affect the D-class population at all, it could make D-class a little more conservative but all around shouldn't change much. Also lets say that this will make people play on D-class a little less, this in theory, would than increase other branches populations, such as research, utility, and maybe gensec (idk about gensec as they will have less to do IF less D-class are on). I don't think it will change anything.

  3. +support
    I would and wish I could list out all the reasons he is the PERFECT EMBODIMENT OF THIS POSITION but sadly I would need to use literally multiple languages to explain and list every reason why he deserves and needs this position. In all honesty he is a better pick then I am for the job and that's sayin somethin lol. But seriously he is an amazing command member and staff member of SCP and I'm proud he could possibly represent our server on another GL server!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. Name (which you most commonly use): Jack

    First rank/character choice: Grievous

    Second rank/character choice: The grand Inquisitor

    Do you have any command experience? If so please explain:
    Yes I do. I am currently HCMD in medical as well as a Epsilon 11 (E11) 1st lieutenant in SCP-RP. I've also am fairly high ranking in maintenance. I have been medical HCMD for about 2-3 months currently, and being the head of the branch for 1 month. I have been E11 CMD for around 2-3 months as well.

    How active can you be?
    I'm am already on SCP a good amount of my day, constantly being on for around 10+ hours (I know I have no life lol) and I will have more than enough time for the splitting of the 2 servers.

    Are you familiar with the Star wars universe and have played other Star wars related servers? If so please explain:
    I am OK with the star wars universe but need to re-watch the movies and such to revamp my memory. I've also been on some starwars RP based server, can't remember the specifics as it has been a super hot minute like 5+ years ago.

    Why do you want to become command?
    To assist this new server in it's upcoming arrival. To assist to grow it and it's branches as much as I can for the betterment of it's players. That's all I wish for is the betterment and assistance of the server and it's growing population to come. I want to make it as enjoyable and nicely presentable as can be for it's launch to reduce the requirements by future HCMD to change it. Also I wish to meet new people and expand my horizon to other parts of gaminglight and enjoy new things, espacially when I can do that by assisting as many people as possible. But I mainly want it to assist the server as well meet new people and experiences.

    What qualities can you bring to the position?
    I am fairly liked around SCP and hard working. I am able to manage event team, staff, HCMD, CMD all at once with fair ease. I am able to take jokes and actually have a sense of humor and as well as being able to be serious when required. I am mable to make quick decisions as well decisions that make me think ahead and I can edit my decisions when required to . I go with the flow and easy going, I don't stress on little things as well with that trait being very forgiving of people who makes mistakes I don't yell at them for. I do what I'm told and I'm able to command other fairly well. I am also pretty good at combat and can hold my own in fights, I also come up very clutch at times. I have a lot of experience in command positions and I have made many documents and currently working on a training guide for medical and I feel I can use my work to assist this upcoming server so it can get the best head start possible.

    Why should we pick you over your competitors?
    I believe everyone who applies is a worthy pick for this position and believe were all equal to get the position. But if I had to say why it's because my experience with HCMD, CMD and other experiences. I've almost been on gaminglight for a year now and with that I've had a lot of time to expand as a person and a command member. I only wish the best for other people and the server and wish for it to be successful, espacially with the extremely hard work the SMT team has been putting in towards this server I wish to make sure all that effort doesn't go to waste. With that being said I don't feel I'm any better than anyone else applying and if I don't get it I'm going to congrats the person who does get it and just hop on and still vibe with everyone.

    If you are reading this and applying good luck!!!

  5. -support
    hell no unless like people have said it's CI meeting day with 40+ CI on the server. If they contact a senior event team or super admin+ prior to work things out then that would be the best plan of action.

  6. +support
    If I wanted to list all the reasons then this would take a hot minute to make and read. I'll keep it short by saying he is one of the best command I've seen on the server let alone security. Get this man a promotion.

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