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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. 14 hours ago, DooM Guy said:

    If your minus supporting this cause of ERP you have a problem.  Why was that first issue you thought of?

    because that is the worst thing that can happen and quite frankly it isn't near worth it. Also because most people when they see a new project go to the worst it can do and if it's a big enough issue then it's worth bringing up and making a argument for it to not go through. In this case it is pedophilia, which no argument can be made to support it unless 2 things happen. 1. the model doesn't represent a young girl, maybe an older women or idk somethin else to avoid server ERP. 2. Maybe change it to a more custom SCP so mingy researchers or wack people playing on the SCP doesn't correlate it to this SCP.  In fact I would find it cooler if it is a server unique SCP, but is still the basis of SCP-053 just you know...not it. Unless those happen I don't


    13 hours ago, Kami- Amaterasu said:

    Are you saying just because its a fucking female that it would be used for ERP?

    No it's because it's a child. We all know every SCP has been ERP'd on, no matter what, that will not change for this one no matter the age due to you know...it's gmod. Like I said earlier just change it so it doesn't represent a child so people who don't give a shit won't even have the chance to do anything fucked up. No point creating a problem when you can avoid it with the steps I said above.

    Simple fix 101: As long as it doesn't correlate with a child, it should be fine. I would love for this SCP to get added but there are obvious issues that will need to be fixed. Even if those people are striked, demoted, removed, warned, kicked, or even banned there will ALWAYS be someone to replace them or them just coming back. Most people on gmod won't give a shit to most punishments so there is just no point on that, just fully remove the issue so it won't even occur.

    also yes I see the irony

    • Like 3
  2. @[Triggred]Perisnot this is more of a server suggestion so I would move this to the suggestions part of the forums. Next I feel your pain. I remember when anyone could kill anyone when needed back when technical could yeet D-class and CI with the sledgehammer. I honestly miss those days, espacially after how confusing it is now. But you also have to see how unfair it would be to D-class mostly, to CI it wouldn't really matter, for them to escape D-block and security and meet a guy with a hammer and yeet him across the facility. That's why the shoot if shot at rule is in place, it makes it more fare as some D-class don't mess with with Utility. I do like the DYG thing, I feel that should be in place in general, no matter the branch. *EXAMPLE* Saying a MTF purposely shoots someone's garbage then said Utility member has the power to shoot said member of MTF, as well report it to CMD. Usually, and hopefully, that doesn't happen but I feel this should be a server rule, I would understand it would be hard to enforce unless there is video evidence but it is ruining the branch.

    • Like 1
  3. -support
    As you stated before @[GL] Godbert Manderville Gensec stands for General security, which is correct. By that logic you CAN'T say that they don't deserve or can't hold thermals, as a CI infil is a threat to security, in which meaning they have every right to deal with that threat. Yes they main goal is to stop D-class and escort research and such, but that is because that is the main threat to the foundation. CI is also a threat to the foundation meaning that they have every right to call thermals if it is needed. That is "security", which by definition is "the quality or state of being secure: such as. a : freedom from danger : safety. b : freedom from fear or anxiety. c : freedom from the prospect of being laid off job security." quoted by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. The main part is freedom from danger, as I said before CI is a threat, danger, so the foundation and security. There is no argument that  I've seen that can deny them this fact. Just by saying "of their gensec they aren't that special, they have MTF" is denying this argument. If anyone would love to argue more about this subject please DM me at Jackweeb1112#8101 and we can continue their. If you prove me wrong then I will change this post happily. 

    • Like 1
  4. Kilo my man, or should I say security SM waffle for like 800 years XD. It's sad to see you go my man! I thought you were going to reach hcmd but alas things change, if you come back keep pushin and I know you'll go fare!!!

  5. +support
    I've known this amazing lad forever and can't WAIT to see him on the 05 staff team!! I remember him in medical and this lad was AMAZING. He fully deserves this and hope he gets to join and show what he's fully worth, I know this man right here can and will go far!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

    ~First 05 medical man (just a quick flex)

    • Like 1
  6. people seem to use the argument, which is valid but this suggestion is actually helping, is medicals activity. The main reason for this suggestion to help Medicals activity by not having any competition. Currently no one gives a fuck about medical and don't ever go to medbay, this has ALWAYS been an issue with players on the server, new and old. This suggestion is to help create incentive for members of medical to get more active. 1 way of helping both sides of this argument is to have medical supplies removed from armory and moved to a NPC inside both methbays selling supplies there, these supplies will cost MUCH more then the ones currently in place, still allowing people to get medical supplies in-case of a lack of medical members AND will have people go to medbay to get healing from a medical members. This will make it where people will be forced to go to medbay no matter what instead of just forgetting about it.

    NOTE: The underlined text is the main point I'm making!

  7. +support
    idk if hearing footsteps would be considered a reason to call thermals. The ONLY reason why I say that is because the only way not to create those sounds is by crouching, just like going up a latter those noises are impossible not to create and would just ruin a lot of people fun. As it won't be hard for anyone to call thermals than. Also it's very obvious he tried to bump into him so yea those are just gimmies.

  8. +support
    I'm personally against having casinos in LCZ already, I think they should remain in D-block and a area possibly on surface for CI and E11. But in LCZ it just gets annoying as command when you see a lot of enlisted just going there while on their job. Either way this is technically a rule already as if they enter an OOC area to avoid RP that in FailRP BUT to make it more defined wouldn't hurt.

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