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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. vlad throughout your time on the server I've seen ya grow, you used to be a pretty big minge and some-what annoying, but you tried changing yourself for the better and it definitely shows. It's a shame you never reached command, which I'm very upset with research hcmd for not doing, as you are one of the most dedicated members of this server and you tried your hardest to improve, and you did, and I feel ashamed to see that effort go to waste and not properly rewarded.
    If you ever come back, in total or just to hang out in teamspeak, please hit me up as it was always a pleasure to RP with ya vlad. I'll see you later my friend!

  2. +support
    Although I don't see the need for the class, yall have been doing amazing stuff as of late and feel this would be an amazing way to reward the dedicated enlisted to CI for their hard work. It's decently powerful but the things needed for the class to hop on is fairly high so that weigh it out.
    I don't see any issues with the class

    Also re-name to Furry Soldiers 0_0

  3. 4 hours ago, Warren Talos said:

    nena you got denied for the same suggestion i dont think copying and pasting the same thing is

    Its different this time lol, hence why I +supported this one and not the last. The last was to allow us to enter at any given point. This one is to enter during specific situations that we actually need to enter to perform our duties as MTF.

  4. +support
    I think this would be a big benefit for the server but a few things gonna have to go down. 1st is improvement in communication as to where threats are, as if it's in HCZ people need to SAY it's there and such. Next is rules in place to which counts as in-RP, OOC, non-combatant-RP (NCRP) and who can do what during these encounters. Like any rank/job can attack these people during these NCRP moments, what your describing, and such. But these rules are in place to ADD RP as in RP I doubt some low ranking research lad would be out when even a Euclid SCP is out. As well more people out can get in MTF and Security's way and cause some havoc. If I had a dollar for every clueless JR I've shot when they got in my way I would be able to fund all GL. So this is an iffy one but could go down.


  5. Hey I touched it more than ya think XD

    Phill I loved hanging out with you when I was in technical and medical. I was so happy to have you at DOL and work suoer well with us medical lads, Ill miss ya but we can always chat in *that* discord group 😉

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  6. You were an outstanding HCMD member who did god tier work worh your branch and an even better friend. Your one of the only CI that likes still and I respect you for it. I loved the work talks we had with your slip ups XD. We gotta play some more games as well! Have a good one my friend and Ill be sure to stay in touch!

    Still gotta finish that show tho 0_0

  7. Name- Jack

    Rank- AHOME, 2LT,  AI

    Branch (Medical / Maintenance)- Maintenance, E11, RnD

    Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD)- 6/1 - 6/8

    Reason (If private that's fine)- going out of town/state for a week and won't be able to hop on, may be able to do stuff on discord, forums, and roster but idk if I can.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Blood Stream said:

    The fact that he had started some of the hostility, wasn't on a CMD job or CMD in his name. I believe he took a fun situation and abused his power to get me warned. Again in the clip he called me an idiot before I ever said anything remotely rude toward him.

    So first off, you don't need you're command rank and name while on any job, only while on you're maintenance command job. You are REQUIRED and encouraged to punish people for doing wrong even if you're not on the job, I would say hop on it to talk to them before the official striking tho. In the first clip things looked to be playful banter, but the second it looked like he was trying to be serious while you were running away, but I could just have lack of context.
    Maintenance punishment and handling we'll look further into but staff side I would say meh, out of my control.

  9. 29 minutes ago, GarGar said:

    The MOTD should add that non-combatants aren't allowed to call out CI raids since I heard from a admin that in there SOP it says that there not allowed to call out a CI raid since not everyone knows this.

    non-combatants can call out CI, the only job I think that can't is containment specialist because maintenance kept getting killed by CI, making us unable to do our job and ruining the experience for newer players.

    • Like 1
  10. On 5/14/2021 at 10:41 PM, enuz 💣 said:

    this will fully depend on if maintenance could keep up with this. 

    I'm cool with the maintenance side and such! This will give us more stuff to do, so a good thing to do while self breaching isn't going on and such. But on the staffing side it a little eh considering how much time and resources it will take, maybe a limit to 2 breach charges to some doors, 1 breach charge to any door, and such. If it's limited I think it can work.

  11. What is your in-game name?:

    What is your steam name?:

    What is your steam ID?: 

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): 

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?:
    Yes I do in fact. I was a Senior Mod on here before, was there for a hot minute but don't know the exact times sadly. I was staff for a DarkRP server for 4 years, it was Eclipse DarkRP, and a few others I can't remember. As well I've helped a few people out with making their own servers, mainly doing the ULX stuff as I'm very well knowledge in how ULX works and such

    What date did you start playing on the community?
    11/11/2019 (when I joined a branch but I was on a few before than)

    What date did you make your forums account?

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?
    5, the one that says "[email protected]" Was a joke warn but I can't appeal it/get it removed because this forums account and in-game account are separate.

    Have you donated?

    What rank are you applying for?
    Trial Moderator

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?
    I am not

    Have you read the staff guidelines?
    Yes I have


    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):
    I don't need none 😎

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    Well I was hesitant on coming back to staff as I kinda just wanted to be in RP after I returned but since summer is coming back, and my time as well, I feel like I need to give back to the community so joining staff would be a good way to do that! With my well known knowledge of ULX as well countless hours on gmod and staff on other servers I don't need much training or bringing up, so I can give a lot more at a lower rank. I'm active on the server and know many of the rules by heart. I'm level headed and cool when under stressful situations and can make split second decisions and not crack under pressure. I try to make everyone time on the server as enjoyable as can be and make sure I give everyone a fair chance. I try to be as friendly as I can be to everyone and try to keep things at a respectable level. I just generally think I would be a good fit for the staff team!

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    Well first off claim any sits regarding the RDMer, than bring him to the admin room. I would than ask some basic questions like "Why did you kill so and so" and "Why did you by X weapon to do that" just so I can have better context of the situation. If they continue to cuss at me and I would ask them to stop so I can explain their punishment or get the situation figured out. If they don't stop then I would gag them and explain their punishment for RDM and than the added staff diss and such. After that than I would give the player a warning for mass RDM and staff diss and ask a admin+ to ban the lad for 5 days, which could be raised depending on what the player says during his cussing tantrum, such as racism or homophobia.

    Please pick and answer one of the questions only if applying for Senior Moderator. If applying for Admin pick two and answer them. If applying for Senior Admin you must answer all three. Answering more than the required amount of questions for the rank you are applying for will result in your application being denied.

    Q1: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?
    I would separate the players to different ends of the room and talk to each individually about the situation so I can get context of the matter as well stories from each without getting interrupted and such. After I receive each players side of the story I will bring them all back together and describe to them what I heard, combine all the stories into 1 good flowing story, and ask if this is correct. If the story I 'created' was accepted by all parties, I would make a decision based off that. If someone says something is incorrect I would ask for their addition and such and make the correction, if things get heated I separate them and just make my best judgement of the information I have.

  12. -support +support after the resent edit!
    As much as I love E11 this would be way to OP. E11 is the strongest branch, stats wise, and to bring them inside D-clock with everyone else would be to much. But I do think rules need to be in place for camping CI, to which E11 I think can enter IF there are CI in there and must leave after they are all killed, which may even be a stretch at that. Overall I'm hesitant/against it for  E11 to enter in general but I'm OK with them being in there ONLY if CI is and security, Nu7, and all other facility combatants are dead. As staying in the hallways seems to still be good.

  13. damn gunther ngl I thought you left us long ago. I was one you never targeted or was told of your wrong doings. I respected for your dedication to security and can't wait to see your new and improved self!!! I can't wait to see you come back and kick some D-class ass 😎

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