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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. Name of Job- Junior Maintenance

    Name of Job- Maintenance

    Job Model (Model Paths)- Same

    Job Description- Same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10)-
    Add- tfa_csgo_p2000
    Remove- tfa_sig_p229r

    Job Salary- Same

    Job HP- Same

    Job Armor- Same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models)- No


    Name of Job- Senior Maintenance

    Job Model (Model Paths)- Same

    Job Description- Same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10)-
    Add- tfa_sig_p229r
    Remove- tfa_csgo_usp, weapon_pathway_marker

    Job Salary- Same

    Job HP- Same

    Job Armor- Same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models)- No


    Name of Job- Maintenance Command

    Job Model (Model Paths)- Same

    Job Description- 
    Remove- models/player/mechanic.mdl

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10)-
    Add- tfa_m92beretta, tfa_mp9
    Remove- tfa_csgo_deagle, tfa_mp40

    Job Salary- Same

    Job HP- Same

    Job Armor- Same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models)- No


    Name of Job- Department Head

    Job Model (Model Paths)- Same

    Job Description- Same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10)-
    Add- tfa_nmrih_maglite, tfa_vector
    Remove- tfa_bizonp19

    Job Salary- Same

    Job HP- Same

    Job Armor- Same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models)- No


    Name of Job- Mobile Mop Force

    Job Model (Model Paths)- Same

    Job Description- Same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10)-
    Add- weapon_armorkit

    Job Salary- Same

    Job HP- Same

    Job Armor- Same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models)- No


    Name of Job- HLPR Bot



    Name of Job- Containment Specialist

    Job Model (Model Paths)- Same

    Job Description- 
    Containment Specialist are level 3 personnel of Maintenance staff who are the rank Journeyman+ that have chosen to specialize in fixing, repairing, and fine tuning SCP Containment Cells.

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10)- Same

    Job Salary- Same

    Job HP- Same

    Job Armor- Same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models)- No


    NEW JOB!

    Name of Job- Technician Tommy

    Job Model (Model Paths)- models/player/mechanic.mdl

    Job Description- 
    Once a member of the foundations proud Technical team, he transferred to site 19. After some major technical failures from Tommy, resulting in mass breaches, he has been returned to site 50. Tommy runs around the facility building crazy contraptions and fixing the site!

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10)-
    Add- tfa_nmrih_maglite, tfa_csgo_usp, tfa_nmrih_sledge, broom, weapon_armorkit, guthscp_keycard_lvl_3, weapon_physcannon, ztm_trashcollector, 

    Job Salary- $150

    Job HP- 125

    Job Armor- 100

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models)- 
    Donator Class: Gold Donator Rank

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. +support
    Him and another E11 DUO RAIDED CI for me and WON. Killing me and MULTIPLE CI when they were outnumbered 21 to 2. 100% deserves CMD for a well executed plan and it worked. As well good activity on the server and a chill dude.

  3. 19 hours ago, NeoID said:

    you need to come up with new ideas for what to do on surface to keep E11 active that is for E11 and E11 alone

    Weve come up with many ideas but they always get denied because "E11 isnt on site". So a better focuse instead of doing things on surface, as weve tried many times before, how about in sight. As that seems a lot more achievable atm.


  4. 4 hours ago, NeoID said:


    Again, password protected channel's. We can select channels of importance, like open comms, for command+ for obvious reasons. There are plenty and simple ways to avoid this and punish those who do it. Compared to the last radio this is more formal and easier to regulate. AND if all that fails you can mute the radio in-game.

    On 4/12/2021 at 3:22 PM, russianweeb69 said:

    Everyone is already using TS why need another radio

    TS is only for branch specific channels, not facility wide. Yes people can use /site but not many people respond in there and with the radio it makes it quicker to send information as well more likely to be heard.

  5. 1 minute ago, NeoID said:

    Maynard can give them Foundation Comms, which they just use /advert [F] for

    yea but no foundation lad uses that. Just give them access to /f. Unless that would be to big of an issue but I doubt it will be since sleuth is harder to get so only semi-veteran players can access.

  6. Just give sleuths CI comms
    yea I've always disliked sleuths not having any comms, it kinda makes sense RP wise, but no one even checks for comms anymore.
    I wouldn't even mind giving them foundation comms, of coarse to only use this in RP and not meta. AKA /me steals facility comms off a poor janitor or something idk.

  7. 13 hours ago, OWNED said:

    Radios in the past were basically pointless as every branch basically gets access/ is required to be in the TS when flagged on

    this can help with what Sixx stated above for gensec, but for every other branch it feels kinda pointless


    On 4/8/2021 at 11:30 AM, MexicanGuy said:

    I don't think it's really necessary, most branches use team speak which is much better.

    this is mainly for MTF actually. As most the time Nu7 and E11 are separated in teamspeak. As well for CI with RnD and Military separated. Utility could have this as well with medical and maintenance, but usually we just vibe together but could still be there. This isn't for in-branch communication really, as teamspeak is godly, but for inter-branch communication this would work wonders as well create a more RP vibe.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Southpaw said:

    these will be abused on open comms

    Again thats the cool part of the addon, that branch specific channels can be auto-set by job through the config, meaning Nu7 jobs are auto in the Nu7 channel (frequency). As well these channels can/should be password protected so to join you need the code. As well you can mute/defen the radio itself so if someone does do that you can mute, and catch the players name in the top right corner.

  9. What are you suggesting? -
        Adding this pretty cool radio addon.

    How would this change better the server? -
        Well the last radio was pretty eh with many issues. With no one using it due to it's glitchy nature whenever you try to select/unselect it, people just screaming over it, and it just being not the best radio. With this non-glitchy, good audio quality, super customizable radio. With the ability to have job specific base frequency. The ability to make password protected channels (number of them that can active at once can be changed in the config) so randoms can't join MTF or CI comms to meta-game, at least as easily. You can mute your mic as well defen in the radio, you can set your own key binds in the Q menu. You can use /r to talk with fellows in the frequency for you typers out there. You can see people who are talking on the radio at the time, again configurable. The coolest function, in my opinion, is when you type /rdo you get a TUTORIAL of how to use the radio so new players don't get confused by it! Also the server can make some money off of it for CC's, again you can give frequencies to specific jobs or can create a password channel for the CC, which you can probably charge $10 for or something. 
    (All these are listed under description, they all don't fit so hit "read more" to see em all.)
    Also this addon is fairly small and causes no lag from what I was able to see.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. -
        It may not be used as much like the old radio but from what I know that was because of how glitchy the old one was so hopefully it will be used more often.
    The person who made the addon wasn't the best at English, he's French, so there is a lot of broken English and grammar mistakes/generally hard to understand, mainly in the tutorial part which is fixable through the language config (under the main config file).

    Who would this change mostly benefit? -
       MTF, CI, Security mainly but will also assist all of the branches.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -

    Cool Note: The author of the addon is still very active with any issues with this addon as well as his other addons so any major, or minor, bugs can be reported to him if need be. This is cool because it will only get better from this!

    • Like 1
  10. +support
    With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

    Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid

    • Like 3
  11. +support
    OMG FINALLY!!! Nu7 has been fuckin trash lately and I feel this update will totally bring new life into Nu7! I am a little concerned on how some of the classes are a little weak but it can be upgraded later on down the line if needed!

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