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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. 5 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    Medical aren’t online most of the time and some combat branches do not have a medical class thus making it even harder to heal. Even if there is medical on, getting healed/get surgery done on is time consuming as the combat would have a. Ended or b. You die

    It's that kind of thinking is why medical is inactive, sorry if this feels rude or anything just about to speak facts. When you ENTIRE branch is centered around other people getting hurt and going to you for heals AND THOSE PEOPLE IGNORE YOU AND DON'T EVEN NOTICE YOUR THEIR, is the reason why medical is inactive majority of the time. People still go to 999 and BEG him to heal them because they don't want to go to medical or don't want to spend some money on heals. This is the EXACT reason why it is. If this gets implemented then it will actually give people a reason to get on, because right now people half the time don't even know who or what medics are. They just think we are a waste of space. Just because you don't want to take the LITTLE time it takes to get surgery done doesn't mean you can flat out IGNORE an entire branch. This is why this should be implemented. There is NO excuse to ignore a branch just so you can save a few seconds. Also not to mention a LOT of the time it's defcon 4 or 5 and people STILL ignore us. They get so used to buying supplies from armory they don't even think about going to medbay, where an entire branch again can heal them for free and such. As for CI sawbones again this will give incentive for them to GET ON and heal. So yes this should be implemented, as this just hurts more than it helps.

  2. Name of Job: Director Of Logistics

    Job Model (Model Paths): Same

    Job Description: Same

    Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): 
    Add: tfa_honeybadger, tfa_ithacam37

    Job Salary: Same

    Job HP: Same

    Job Armor: Same

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): Same

    Note ^ the DOL  Job only has the USPS so that's why I'm not removing any weapons for it and such.

    Edit Note- I was fuckin tired when I wrote this give me a break ok XD. But yea the Department Head Job is being updated in the maintenance update.

  3. 8 minutes ago, ellingerkyson said:

    ALSO dect PLEASE tell me is saying you love little kids and guessing their age player diss?



    Also might want to get everything sorted out in the format. Some things are missing and incorrect.
    not really. Not to mention garry's mod is a 18+ game. He can assume everyone who plays on garry's mod is 18 years of age or older, obviously this isn't the case but yea.

  4. I've killed 343 before with the help of some utility peeps, the 343 as cool with it and was for SCIENCE, and it took around 7-14 min, very positive it was 14, to kill him with at least 2 going at once, we would switch out for ammo. It is HARD to kill them, but this can also be used as a strategy to disorientate the SCP, such as 106, being almost unable to see do to the red vision and the constant movement decrease when hit if going head on to it.

  5. -support
    RP stuff is VERY broad. Meaning it takes one to interpret it, making them able to build defenses, saying "Oh in RP I would do this if I had the material." or you'll get minges who put props through gensec walls to climb it, or just annoy gensec and use the excuse "If I had this IRL I would do this." It's to broad to staff. Not to mention it will create a lot more lag, because the biggest population on the server is D-class with a good amount of them donating to the server, meaning they have access to props. And to ask them to remove it would not work as they can just place more propsd after the admin leaves or another person who didn't hear the staff hops on and starts placing them. It would be almost unstaffablel, also the server lags enough as is on a almost 16 year old game that has average 110-128 players on it during peak hours, this would just destroy the server during those times.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Tweety said:

    Sorry but what is the command going to do?

    There going to punish the person who did it...not that hard to get. It's just a dick move to do so, also this can hurt branch relations possibly if this continues and their command do nothing about it. So yea a demotion, DNP, or strike, as long as they get some form of punishment as incentive not to continue so this doesn't continue.

  7. +support


    14 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    However in the case of an active threat like Active CI raid and Defcon 2 or major Keter breaches CE will take first priority as escorting them to the CC won't be a plausible option.

    I understand some situations it won't be possible, but this will be abused to often; I've seen it happen way to many times. I would say in case defcon 2 or CI in HCZ/EZ or both and their is a maintenance online that isn't afk try to locate said maintenance and get them to the cell if they can't do it themselves. If that attempt fails and they cell needs to be fixed, then I can see them doing it themselves. Also a majority of the time the cell needs to be fixed when MTF RC the SCP, so CE need to be focusing the SCP or CI over the SCP cell and leave that to maintenance, unless none are on, they are AFK, or it is needed to be fixed in dire situations. I would love to give CE more stuff to do but an entire branches job is to fix CC's so you got to see where I'm coming from.

  8. why must everyone I know and love leave ;-;. Inaccurate you were always a good and inactive AHOMS and the biggest meme when blarg jumped you lol. I'll always cherish those times, please DM me whenever so we can vibe and do somethin. Also get better internet.

  9. yea no this isn't gonna be accepted. You full know why you were banned, and I see your lack of dispute as reason for me saying that. Not even mentioning what happened during the time of your ban or listing any form of alibi to clear your name. You do the crime you must wait the time.

  10. Good luck sinnik, I remember being a Doctor and a little higher and having some medics complain about security personnel harassing them because they didn't heal them and instead took them to medbay and such, and I was always a little EH towards security for that during that time frame. But when you and others we picked for high command I was intrigued about what yall would do and such. The first day you got chosen for DHOS, I think creamey and saiba followed soon, you talked to me, again creamey soon after, about how you could better securities image. I always that so highly about you after, actively trying to fix security's broken image and reputation. And by all fuckin means you and your fellow HCMD fixed it. You did good work as DoTF as well and I highly respect that as well. Good luck and you will always have a spot on this community!

  11. image.thumb.png.12b86970412ae641a5c8eb53e1653936.png
    You asked SCP's to flag up so you can breach them. Other people said that in OOC to so I was letting them know it is against the rules to do so. As soon as I said that in OOC/Advert he said that, so I issued a warn.

  12. yo so what happened is so basically no one played on it for a hot minute and SCP was doing a CC auction. Grug was listed and others and I copped grug and 1 other. I spent $150 to buy the CC over other people, because who wouldn't it's grug. I have also spent more money to make it better. So the way that happened is when people aren't on their CC for over month the CC is auctioned to the community, and if no one buys it during that period it is fully removed to create space for something new, that's common sense. I have 1 more slot if I remember correct and I'll be more than to reunite you and your CC.

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