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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. this is a branch update for multiple branches, which can only be done by the branch leaders. But for the addons being added to the server I would like to see. The flamethrower I feel should only be handed out by an ET or Senior ET member or senior admin or super admin+ only, and to branch heads or SA since this can be abused and will 100% cause a decent number of lag. The other weapons damage can be edited, I think, to make it a LOT more fare. Not to mention, I'm speaking on behalf of maintenance, we can always set up rules to where these can only be used under RP purposes and not as weapons, we already do this for a lot of our melee weapons. I would like to see these added as this can HEAVILY increase our RP but only if the damage can be edited.
    So +support.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Tweety said:

    bruh crabbo you have armorkit on e11 you have combat engineers you have explos spec on almost all the branches  and tons of hp armor idk why you guys compare urselfs with us !!!  noooo

    MTF are 3 branches and CI is 1. Crabbo is talking omicron not MTF together. So with Omicron SF, the experimentals, they have the chainsaw which is considered a primary weapon. He is saying if the chainsaw is considered a primary weapon then the spade should be considered a primary as well.

  3. +support
    Vlad I'm going to be real. You have grown so much and it honestly shows. Yes your were mingy in the past and don't have the best record by far. BUT and a huge BUT, I feel you have changed. Your dedication for research astonishes me beyond belief, I don't know how but you still have the strive to be command in research after everything that has happened. This is without a doubt in my mind the most single dedicated man I've ever seen. You do a lot of work and it also does show. Now for one last thing, As long as you stop with the yandere stuff, you'll be fine. I know it must be hard to stop but you have to understand that people aren't in to that and wish for you to stop. I feel if you prove yourself really well in a trial period of command then I think you'll be fine. I wish the best for you vlad and good luck!

  4. -support
    Staff decided to go with a verbal. Not to mention after hearing his story he didn't notice yall were there, while trying to take a screenshot of the siren head. Then the 572 told him to "don't turn around" jokingly, and which he does so to surprising sees CI. He then turns around and bolts, not noticing the fearRP in chat and he isn't focusing on it. Also looking at before he bolts 2 CI members, the one recording and the hotshit on the right. Look away from infamous breaking fearRP and he then bolts. This is not him breaking fearRP, not to mention it's kinda weird since shades have to type fearRP and not most people look at chat when CI raid and it's hard to notice that so oof.

  5. 1 minute ago, enuz 💣 said:

    make sure you contact you're high command and see if they accept you back. what I remember is that once you make a resignation, it has to go through, you can't just say JK.

    he did, he talked to smokey and smokey talked to me so it's cool. Love to see you back crystal!

    • Like 1
  6. Name (which you most commonly use): Jack

    Position I am applying for:
    74TH Medical VCMDR

    Do you have any command experience? If so please explain:
    Yes, I was General Grievous and Darth Sidious on JvS. I was the assistant head, and head on medical on SCP-RP and the current Director Of Logistics (DOL) which is site admin on SCP-RP which overhears medical and maintenance in SCP-RP. I am also a current epsilon-11 1LT on SCP as well. 

    How active can you be?
    6-7/10, My activity wasn't the best on JvS due to some issues that suddenly popped up, this time everything should be good to go and my activity will not be as bad as last time.

    Are you familiar with the Star wars universe and have played other Star wars related servers? If so please explain:
    I am definitely getting better with my time on JvS and will definitely get better.

    Why do you want to become command?
    Well on JvS I applied to help out a new branch, sith sentry, get off the ground and have the best start. I didn't have much knowledge of what sith sentry was so I had to just guess and have timm and thompson double check it to make sure it was good. But medical, even if on a different type of gamemode, is my jam and I know my way around it. I have the tools and knowledge to successfully do all SOPS and other documents right the first time taking less work off the next players to take command. That is my main goal as medical VCMDR is to lower the amount of work that other people have to do in the future and to give this branch the best start it can have, and the other players I've seen apply I already know even without me they will have an amazing head start and I just want to add on to that even more.

    What qualities can you bring to the position?
    I have the experience on SCP and JvS to run a branch, and one of those branches IS medical so that just adds onto it. I have the knowledge and tools to create the best start they can have, espacially with SOP writing and document configuration. 

    What makes you different from other players?
    My experience on JvS and SCP is what gives me my biggest advantage, I have run a medical branch and am currently running 2 as a site admin member. On JvS I rans sentry from the start and helped timm create all the SOP's and documents. My activity will definitely increase as I have more than enough time now to split it between SCP, IRL, and CW LifeRP. 
    Note- I know this is a little shorter compared to others but I feel I got my point across and don't want to have filler everywhere. Thank you for reading and I wish my competitors the best of luck!

  7. +support
    You have improved and are continuing to improve, I do honestly see a lot of potential in you but you do need to mature a little, but that comes with time and experience. I feel this will grant you some of the experience you need to mature. I wish the best for you and hopefully you get it. Good luck jeff!

  8. don't know where people getting the idea that he is rude and shit. He does his job and with that has the responsibility of reminding people where they are and aren't supposed to do or be.

    • Like 1
  9. -support
    In the video he instantly turns the corner and shoots, actively engaging in combat. Not to mention there is no view of 2 or more guns ACTIVELY being pointed at him, last view was the other 2 sarkics behind the one recording, only 1 gun was actively being pointed at him while the other 2 sarkics either had a riot shield or or was pointing a gun at their fellow sarkic.

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