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Everything posted by OWNED

  1. -support This would just give people an excuse to shoot SCPs that dont need to be shot and just be mingey
  2. + support I've known Squash for a lot time, and his behavior on the server has greatly improved since then I don't think you'd find an admin as good at this guy
  3. -Support + you seem very active on the server and dedicated - your reasoning on why you should be in ET is a bit stale and doesnt really mean too much - your event description could literally fit a post-it note and is very mundane and stale (more detail, and more effort) - I understand 1471 is your favorite, but you have to have more event ideas than that I wish you luck with your application process
  4. +support for all, except for the hazmat defcon change the ability to change defcons is something trusted members get (mostly command), considerin how easy it is to get into hazmat this wouldnt exactly be the best thing, unless hazmat requirements are beefed up considerably making it harder to join
  5. -support this is literally an SCP that would just become another roamer SCP it would be cool for like 2 days them it would just become another boring roamer like 343, 999, 1424, etc.
  6. +/- support, leaning slightly more towards - support you seem very nice and are almost at the point of a + support but, I believe you just need to build a little more of a reputation for yourself cause as stated above by everyone we have barely ever seen you around the server.
  7. In-Game Name: OWNED SteamID: STEAM_1:0:82458458 What is your ULX Rank?: Bronze What is your RP Rank?: WO in E11 (former 1LT) and PFC in CI What is your timezone?: EST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 9 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I was formally on the ET team before resigning due to IRL problems How Active are you? (1/10): 8 How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 1 for prop minging, It was an accident on my part and didn't know it was wrong at the time. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)? During my time as an event team member five months ago, it was some of the most fun times I had ever had on the server. The entire event team was super friendly and were always willing to help anyone with their events. But, as of recently, the event team community has been slowly dying due to the amount of resignations and lack of event team trying to join. Events are either one of the best or worst experiences for someone on the server and can really change someone's experience of the server, but it all depends on the person running it and the idea behind it. events are a chance for people who don't feel included to get involved with the server and have a good time. I want to make event team seem fun for everyone, I want to make people's experience with the server the best it could possibly be so that they can learn to enjoy the server just as much as I do. Event team is my chance to come back and repay the community for making my stay a good one, cause as it says in the Event Team guidelines, "We determine the fates of hundreds of players on the server. We determine their whole role play experience, and whether or not those players desire to come back.". Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): With the change to the server map and how stable it is compared to the other one (especially on surface), there are number of ideas that I have for event. One of my event ideas I have is the GOI group " Children of the Scarlet King" find the location of SCP-682 and attempt to use him to bring about the destruction of the world, so the foundation has to work together with CI to prevent the destruction of the world. The group would attempt to imped the foundation by using men who sacrificed themselves in the name of the king and were transformed into abominations, who's only purpose is to destroy all those who attempt to get in the way. I also want to include more events for the more forgotten branches like Medical and utility, such as personnel from another site had to come in for emergency surgery/ wound treatment, or a Utility event when a huge bomb set off by a CI infiltrator goes off a causes a section of the foundation to break, so the utility branch has to fix the foundation's foundation (sounds so weird) to prevent a collapse. Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes What is your favorite SCP? Why? My personal Favorite SCP is 049. I love the amount of mystery around him and all the "non-canon" stories when he's cross-tested with certain SCPs. I feel there is a lot of lore and stories that can be written with this SCP, but its overlooked by other more popular ones like 682.
  8. + support This is one of the strongest guns in the server doesnt make sense for a bunch of criminal thugs to have military grade weaponry
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