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Everything posted by MJTHEOG

  1. Damn did not see this one coming good luck where ever u go next
  2. EDIT You have 18 warns so that means u need to get perms from Chief to apply for LT so I am now tuning this into a -support.
  3. Rank You are Applying For: Assistant Chief In-Game Name: MJTHEOG SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526631405 Current Rank: Colonel How long have you been in your current rank?: 5 Weeks What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 0 (https://imgur.com/a/CC4jydq) Permission: Commissioner Jimmy James and Deputy Commissioner Solomon Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): Why I think I should be the next Assistant Chief of PD is due to my extensive experience in multiple departments, the staff team, and as a Forum Diplomat. I have had the pleasure to act as Deputy Chief of EMS, Senior Admin for the staff team, and Low Command in SRT while maintaining strong activity in each despite my busy school schedule. The second reason I think I should become Assistant Chief is because I am very active on PD I am on everyday for almost the whole time I am on the server and on the weekends and days have off from school I say up very late around 3 - 3:30 I get off and sometimes I say up even later plus when I am up very late I deal with a lot of minges and reports. My third reason is because I am very experienced like I said above I am the Deputy chief of EMS and was low command in other departments so I know how to deal with any low command and high command situations very well. The last reason I think I should be Assistant Chief is because I am very respectful to everyone and I try to help out everyone the best way that I can when I train cadets for PD I try to teach them more so they know more when they are riding along with someone. Those are the reasons I think I should become the new Assistant Chief. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  4. I already knew about this and it still sad :(( Good luck on where ever u go tac
  5. -support You can just hit F to turn on your flashlight Might cause some lag
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