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Everything posted by Hope

  1. @Gordan At the beginning, when we were LR and you quit, you said you were going to come back when I get senior command so.... At least to research.
  2. This sucks. . . See you later, Gordan.
  3. I was about to make a player report on Baguette, but Weiss already did it. This is a clip of Baguette RDMing me for no RP reason at all. The most I can sense from his reasoning is that CPT Matto was hosting a tryout. However, he is on a MTF CC that doesn't have any rank in it. Tryouts are done in the back, as long as excessive intrusion isn't preeminent, it is not a RP reason to kill. I wasn't disturbing the try out or any thing, I just wanted to buy a Mossberg and get out. Note: no staff were available at that time. https://streamable.com/crouve https://gyazo.com/8eca9aa230f773f987e27eefe12b00ba (happened on July 21th) https://streamable.com/7nkdzv https://gyazo.com/8eca9aa230f773f987e27eefe12b00ba (happened on July 21th) Currently. He has committed mass RDM (Weiss's report, Jack's report of Baguette RDMing Bright, teaming with CI killing foundation personnel, my two reports) and FailRP warn. He should be temporarily banned from the server for 5 days. He was a former HCMD and the head of medical, should've known better.
  4. I don't see a drawback or a disadvantage to this +support
  5. Grade: 87/100 Lore: 22/25 Lore is followed consistently to be suffice for this grade. Creativity: 20/25 The test idea has been done a lot, using SCP-682's skin and such to protect or build things that would protect CI personnel. Presentation: 25/25 Great enhancement to the test log, great utilization of fonts and color schemes. Writing: 20/25 More details could be added. Mild grammar mistake can be spotted. However, test log is suffice for this grade. In conclusion/Extra note: This log exceeds expectation, keep it up!
  6. HOW DID A CI APPLICATION GETS TWO PAGES OF RESPONSE Anyways, here is my recommendation to you jeff. - Fix your English - I know that you're young and are just interesting in the server or the chaos insurgency branch. However, the wording and the effort you put into an application really say something to command if you actually wants to join CI or not. -Mingery- Being mingy is also an issue, Jeff. I know this application isn't made with malice intents. However, many people have complained that you have been mingy on SCP jobs, which doesn't look good on your profile. Currently, as the Keter class manager of the research division and the senior researcher in charge of the chaos insurgency branch. These are the only faults that I have noticed in you so far. If you are able to fix these issues, I am sure that you are able to join CI as you will establish a great connection and relationship with other player on the server! Sorry jeff, but. . . - support.
  7. Grade: 85/100 Lore: 20/25 Certainly, the lore was followed consistently throughout the test log.However, how would you restrain SCP-098 though, their chela are sharp enough that can easily cut any restrains like a hot knife through butter. The only logical restrain that I can think off is by tranquilizing it and then restraining it chelas. Creativity: 20/25 This test is creative and is suffice for this grade. However, don't see much opportunity to benefit CI. Presentation: 25/25 The use of italic and bolded text is simply amazing, color schemes across the test log were established. Writing: 20/25 Moderate amount of grammar mistakes can be found, but the detail in the log is suffice for this grade. Conclusion/Extra notes: This test log exceeds expectation, keep it up!
  8. Hope

    Peace Out

    broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo denied.
  9. +support I was the issuing staff. I looked up the player name up in logs and search ed in the search bar for "ICE" when Rhodes's steam name and ICE CUBE steam name popped up, which both names was nearly identical to each other. (when trying to warn "ICE CUBE") I am sorry about this incident, this incident will not happen again.
  10. On July 21th, I issued a warn for Fail RP due to accounts of power gaming (closing doors to gain an unfavorable advantage)/fail RP (unrealistic role play from 106 closing doors to gain an edge from escaping players) reported by a Nu-7. I have witnessed it first hand and had plenty of complaints from MTF, not to mention this all happened when the server had 20 - players.
  11. Grade: 85/100 Lore: 20/25 I pretty sure that SCP-066 can only play Beethoven 3rd symphony when someone mention the name, "Eric". Other than that, no other flaw regarding lore can be found. Creativity: 20/25 Certainly a creative test, but how would it benefit the chaos insurgency? Presentation: 25/25 Presentation wise, it is very colorful and you have put in a lot of effort into enhancing the presentation of the lore. Writing: 20/25 Writing is decent, detail is suffice for this grade. However, mild to moderate amount of grammar mistake can be found. Extra note: This test log is exceeding expectation, keep it up!
  12. -support Eventhough I know you are a good member of MTF. There is no effort put into this application, mild to moderate amount of grammar mistakes can be found. OR6
  13. Hope


    Or is it but what's up
  14. Grade: 89/100 Lore: 25/25 Lore of SCP-012 is consistently followed throughout the test log. Creativity: 25/25 Definitely have not been done for a long time. Presentation: 17/25 Basic color schemes, format was followed. I recommend using a color scheme! Writing: 22/25 Writing is suffice for this grade, moderate amount of grammatical mistakes can be seen hindering the readability of the log slightly. NOTES: This log exceeds expectation, keep it up!
  15. Grade: 75/100 Lore: 20/25 Lore is consistent throughout the test log. However, it is not normal for 527 to just roam around HCZ's CCs, gaining intel on dangerous SCPs because SCP-527 does not even yield a keycard. Creativity: 20/25 SCP-527's interrogation/interviews has been done numerous time. However, the interview logs of SCP-527 has been declining. It is good to see another SCP-527 log like this. Presentation: 15/25 Presentation is basic, format was followed. I recommend you use a custom color scheme. Writing: 20/25 Writing is suffice for this grade, minor - moderate grammar mistakes can be spotted. EXTRA NOTES: This test log meets expectation, keep it up!
  16. - Please allow access for command to access! -
  17. Hope

    Discord no work

    It works now.
  18. Good evening Bryan, Unfortunately, this log is too short to be suffice for a grade. I recommend that you post it under the #activity_log section of the research discord. Some other things I have noticed is that this does not follow any format, which makes it really difficult to comprehend and etc. Lore isn't there and creativity is below standard. I recommend adding more details to your log! This log is below-standard. (25%-40%) Kind Regards, Research Manager hope
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