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Alex Raddish

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Everything posted by Alex Raddish

  1. What you want to see? - The level system get applied to printers and Bitcoin, as well as possibly new printers to go along with it. For example, Bronze Low Tier is level 0, Silver Low Tier is level 2, Bitcoin S1 is level 10 etc. Possibly add another printer that is a high level such as a Ruby printer that requires level ? to get. Why should we add it? - Upon first joining the server, the way to make money is a clear path. The cheapest money making method is Cannabis, they harvest cannabis to get the money for a Bronze Low Tier printer, then grind to get bitcoin, ect. This brings another incentive to level up and play on the server as well as AFK overnight. Our numbers have been skyrocketing due to the level system, and the more rewards and incentives attached to said system will always help. What are the advantages of having this? - More players will enjoy the progression system and look forward to getting the next money making method. A sense of progression is always good for a video game, no matter what it is. This encourages players to spend more time on the server, and work towards the next level. Who is it mainly for? - Criminals Links to any content - N/A
  2. Not really any point of this job, most 100% RP jobs rarely get used -Support
  3. If only that @Solomon guy used his mic
  4. -Support "Mass RDM, RDM in a Sit, Mass Racism" Then you were perm banned by Snar. If it was the perm ban alone, maybe you deserve a second chance, but the Mass Racism makes this a -Support from me.
  5. Very good point from Masterson that most forget about. The moment you join the server and you click close, you've agreed that you've read and understood the rules and are held to the consequences of your actions. -Support
  6. +Support Didn't look into verifying anything, just went right to deleting your car without confirmation that you couldn't use it. The fact another Senior Admin had to drag Raze up to the roof is unacceptable, he didn't bother to ask in admin chat or have a respectful conversation about it. He seemed hostile and agitated from the beginning and should have looked into the issue before immediately taking unnecessary action. (To reiterate I'm not +Supporting for any clear evidence of abuse, but rather that Raze could have handled this a lot better, his attitude, mannerisms, patience and decision-making in this situation could have been much better)
  7. Very sad to see you go Frog, you contributed much to FBI and I'm sure we all appreciate that. I will continue to lead HRT into success the best I can.
  8. -Support Removed from staff due to constantly breaking forums rules Can be mingey/disrespectful at times Activity on the server in the last month has been on/off Previous experience Knows how to handle sits and knows the MOTD
  9. -Support You disrespected the people that work hard to keep our servers running and functioning. "I didn't know that he was an important person", is absolutely no excuse to disrespect a member of the community. You didn't even bother to explain why you should be unbanned, or how you've changed or stated any regret for what you did; your only reasoning is that it's been 2 years. You put no effort into your ban appeal.
  10. +Support 40 chances to change, 40 chances wasted
  11. +Support I think if you have the permanent ammo, you should spawn with more than 1 stungun charge
  12. -Support I'm the admin that took this sit, and explained to you (about 3 times) that you stole a gov car and can be warned for it, as well as you complained about being arrested, after stealing a gov car, and entering a KOS/AOS area
  13. *DD Flashback occurs*
  14. Gaminglight has never kicked or will ever kick AFK players. -Support
  15. I joined State, because I enjoyed the serious RP of the department and the people in it. However I've found it difficult to juggle my time between being High Command of FBI and HRT, as well as balancing staff on top of that. I love the department, and all of its members, however I sadly just don't have the time for it anymore.
  16. Keep this to +/- Support only please
  17. Medal.TV, Nvidia Shadowplay, and Xbox Game Bar Capture. Medal.TV is the best, because you can record full sessions, and bookmark certain moments. It can also clip up to the previous 120 seconds.
  18. +Support This is cut and dry FailRP. Anyone outside the building cannot relay information and or assist in the robbery whatsoever. Considering several people involved in that bank robbery were staff, and allowed them to do this, it is highly disappointing.
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