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Alex Raddish

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Everything posted by Alex Raddish

  1. Name: Alex Raddish Rank: COS LOA Time: 2 weeks (04/10/21 - 04/24/21) Reason (Private if needed): Burnt out
  2. +Support Always respectful Previous Senior Admin Great attitude Experienced
  3. RDM is always a good time
  4. Really had to do the man like that?
  5. Couldn't have said it better myself. Massive +Support
  6. Cammy pretty much covered all bases here. Massive +Support
  7. +Support 10 Warning threshold reached
  8. -Support Warning threshold bans are non-appealable
  9. -Support You're already not supposed to afk on gov...hence why you can demote people. However, High Command a lot of the time is tabbed out working on documents or dealing with things.
  10. -Support You're a good guy however there's some things people have mentioned above that need some work first: Edited application Application can use a lot of work
  11. +Support Phil Active Previous experience Phil Respectful Phil
  12. I personally enjoy gov more, but I play both
  13. Alex Raddish


    A 3v1 against 2 gun dealers and a thief, all with mp5's and all 3 of them kind of just stood still while you mowed them down.
  14. +Support I think this is already on the server, but not being used. However, there is probably a reason it isn't being used.
  15. +Support He knew what he was doing. He was also saying he hates a certain country in Africa that sounds very close to a racial slur.
  16. Damn right after I remove the AWS from the custom class Jk, awesome update looking forward to robbing some supply crates!
  17. Meets requirements for a 10 and 20 warn ban
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