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Everything posted by Toasterr

  1. +suppo high rp rank trusted member of community
  2. +support former et site admin
  3. +Support Trustworthy Senior Command experience swag.
  4. In Game name: Toaster Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460411068 ULX Rank: Platinum What rank are you applying for?: Deputy Director of Operations Why should you deserve this position? (300 words minimum): I believe that I deserve this position within CI Research and Development is my past experience within the server as a whole, being a SVR in Research and Development whenever the old ranking system was a thing, (SVR is equal to Supervisory Agent for anyone wondering) although I never made it command I still loved the branch and only left due to me double commanding with Nu7 and CI Military back then. Another reason I deserve this rank of Deputy Director of Operations is my past experience as command and senior command within the server, formerly being a CI Military Major, E4, and Current First Lieutenant within MTF Nu7, I was originally in command over a year ago, and have only been striked within CI once for a misunderstanding with a lower rank, and have never been striked since, which proves my competence as command and as a leader within the server. My second to last reason is my leadership skills, I believe I earned nearly all my ranks within the server and I believe that says something as a former CI Military senior command member, and when I was originally Nu7 command over 6/7 months ago. I have also shown leadership skills throughout CI throughout my whole time in CI, ever since I was LCPL / Beta Operative in CI I always showed leadership skills, it mainly being leading raids as beta, but when I got PD / Junior Command I really shined with my leadership skills within the server as a whole, being able to make it up to CPT before resigning, then coming back about 3 months later and getting up to Major within military, then transferring to Nu7 where I currently am, and I believe if I am given the opportunity to come back to CI as RnD HCMD I could prove myself as a valuable asset to RnD's HCMD and CI Gamma as a whole. The whole TL:DR for this is my experience in the server, experience as CI, experience as command, my leadership skills, and my competence as command. How would you lead your branch? (High Command only, 100 words minimum): I would lead this branch with passion within the branch, and competence as I have a fairly good amount of experience as command within the server and experience in the server as a whole, with my past experience as CI Senior Command (Military Major) and current Nu7 1LT in the server. I would also lead with dedication and give people a reason to play with my activity being fairly good and being able to notice command that not only excel in discord and forums but in game, with me usually being on at least 5 hours a day. My last way I can lead the branch is my understanding of the server as a whole, I have been command for a bit over a year, originally starting as a CI PD back on site 10 and have been around for a majority of HCMD is branches and understanding how to run branches just through getting to know people and extreme experience as command within the server. Give an example of a time where your leadership showed best on this server (100 words minimum): An example of my leadership within the server was during a Chaos Insurgency raid when I was a CPT, MTF were waiting for us at gate A and we were able to push up through me leading a charge on delta and being able to kill the more powerful classes, having alphas and betas pushing up with me, during that situation we were able to wipe all of MTF during that raid and pushed into HC and LCZ getting a extremely successful raid and majority of us getting to d block and being able to exfil in the end and was able to promote a few of the alphas and beta who did amazing during that whole situation How active would you be: Extremely active, but on a scale from 1-10 it would be 9/10.
  5. Major +Support -Throughout J0LTs whole time in the server he's proved he is a trustworthy member -Insanely Experienced in the server and has been around for a long time. -Is senior command in Nu7 and was Former command overseer in CI
  6. +support active cool awesome
  7. In Game Name: Toaster Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460411068 Discord Name: Toaster#5569 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here: 3 Total, One is RDM on Oct 23(killed a d class who broke fear rp) the second one is FailRP Aug 19(Killed a D4 who tried to cuff me while on a MTF CC) And the third is NLR When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): Since 09/21/2020 Why do you want to join Nu-7?: I want to join Nu7 because of their purpose in the foundation as MTF, that being the main group who focuses re-containing SCPs and preventing breaches within the site, and the RP they get to do with that, I also want to join Nu7 because of my past experiences in Nu7, when I was in Nu7 previously I enjoyed all the time I spent on it and would like to be able to experience that joy again in Nu7. My last reason I want to join Nu7 is the people in it, everyone I've seen on Nu7 is people who I believe I can work well with in the server. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers.: CI MAJ, Nu7 2LT, Maintenance MP, Research SR, D5 CPL, E11 SSGT, RnD SVR, On GL ImpRP: 501st CPT, Storm Trooper 2LT Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Ye
  8. +SUPPORT It was removed a while ago and when SMT brought it back its only gone down hill
  9. ^^ I believe only a verbal should be given out
  10. +Support Current TTK is way too long and makes combat boring and stale
  11. +SUPPORT - Was under Fear RP when near CI - Had a actual RP reason to not attack D class, that being losing their life in the RP scenario.
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