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MrPickle last won the day on June 30 2023

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  1. +support peter legit is as harmless as a fly dunno why he was banned
  2. -Support Yeah no, this would never happen and would never be implemented into the Server. You are however free to make a Custom Clan which can be implemented! Along with there is already a Janitor Whitelist which you need to meet a level requirement and there is also a ton of Janitor Custom Classes currently in the server.
  3. PERMISSION TO APPLY GIVEN BY (COL KEV) (CMDR CALIBER) What Is Your In Game Name? Purge HVY SFC Saturn PT08 What Is Your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:177022830 How Long Have You Been In Purge? 47 Days Have You Been In IQ, If so, What Rank Were/Are You? I have been in IQ previously a few times, during those times I was the rank of Apprentice V, Lord IV, Master Sergeant, Purge Heavy, Purge Brawler; and later on in my time I placed myself inside of IQ Command as the various open Lore positions, one of those being "Second Sister" This placement was purely used to boost the activity of the Regiment and help out the Command team and gain new command members. Why Would You Like To Become The Rank Of 2LT? I would like to become the rank of Second Lieutenant because I feel that there is a distinct lack of Purge/IQ Officer representation on the Server, as by looking at the roster we only have a total of Seven Officers. With Three being on LOA; What this means is that the Command Team will be really the only ones promoting the lower members which obviously Isn't good as they cant be on as much as the Officers should be able to. I also can provide guidance for the Lower Enlisted and someone for them to look up to if they ever need it, along with I am extremely to get along with. What Could You Bring To The Inquisitorious Purge Officer Team? What I can bring to the Purge Officer team, is an extreme amount of activity and fresh air that is deeply needed at the moment. I also have a large amount of Ideas for Simulations and Trainings, some of these being extremely new that no one has ever done and that I have used on previous servers. With my Four years of experience of ImperialRP I basically know the ins and out's and how to boost a Regiments activity and how to motivate people to get on along with what drives people to get on and interact with others. Seeing as we are currently low on Officers as a whole for both sides of The Inquisition, I will make it one of my responsibilities to look at the lower Enlisted and JNCOs through SNCOs for potential Officer Candidates and bring them up the ranks while also telling Command about them so they can be looked over as well. Do You Have Any Previous Officer Experience? Yes, I previously played this server for an extremely long time and joined various Battalions and climbed into the ranks of High Command and eventually Senior High Command; Some examples of Officer positions I have held are, "Naval CEO Captain" "31st Officer" "Havoc Officer" "DeathTrooper Officer / CMDR" Do You Understand The Duties And Protocols You Must Undertake As A Member Of The Officer Team? Yes I understand the immense level of responsibility that will be placed on my shoulders if I am to be accepted into the Inquisitions Officer team. How Many Strikes Do You Have? Zero
  4. The Resignation heard around the World WHO GONNA CARRY THE BOATS AND LOGS
  5. i heard the scoop and "sheesh" bound to happen
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