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Everything posted by Will

  1. -Support Can be easily abused, not to mention that only tactical departments are the only ones that really have access to them, which I feel that if CC's get access to them, it will not only make gov less powerful, but also take away from RP.
  2. Will

    Format- Denied

    -Support This warn was issued almost a month ago by Orin (also known as Iancompallo); see ban page here: https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198842107398 @Jimmysmom since this warning was issued a while ago, do you have any other evidence or information you could share (such as screenshots, video, etc)? If not, the warning would be considered valid as there's no way to disprove it otherwise.
  3. +Support While it is a small thing, a rule infraction is a rule infraction, which the evidence provided in the report accurately shows this to be the case.
  4. +Support Mans beat my sit count record
  5. -Support From what I watched, read, and heard, that just sounds like roleplay... Go to PD low command about this, staff wouldn't be required to deal with this.
  6. -Support If you don't want to dispute it, then why make an appeal?
  7. -Support Warning is valid as you were interrupting an ongoing staff sit and when pushed away by Tactical, you retaliated by shooting him. In addition to this, you also did this in a neutral zone in which combat of any sort is prohibited from taking place, regardless of reason.
  8. Forum Diplomat Message Comments on applications should be strictly +Supports or -Supports with any reasons to back them up. Please also refrain from insulting or flaming others when commenting, and try to maintain a professional sort of setting when posting.
  9. Forum Diplomat Message Please keep all responses on this thread to either a +Support or -Support with any reasons to go along with them. Argumentative comments on the thread have been removed, and further behavior may result in the thread being locked for SMT review.
  10. -Support iZz, I really like you as a staff member, but I personally would like to see you improve in your performance in the staff team before I can give you my support; namely I feel you need to work on these points: Being able to make consistent sit counts Staff meeting attendance Activity on the server Try to improve upon these points going forward, and I'm positive you will be ready for Senior Mod. Good Luck!
  11. -Support I don't believe that can be changed as that would likely have to be custom coded. The current settings where it shows the distance to the dead person should be efficient enough in my opinion, which being able to tell where someone is on the map will become easier the more you play on EMS as you get more familiar what to look for when responding to calls.
  12. +Support Would be nice to have a fresh set of emotes to use, though I'm not sure if there is any content that would need to be added in order to use these.
  13. PD updates are often drafted and made by PD high command, which may be modified slightly when we pass them on to server SMT to push out and integrate into the server. I'll keep these points in mind and I'll review this with the rest of PD high command for the next update we make; thanks for the suggestions!
  14. +Support If it works reliably, then I think it would be a great addition to RP, giving government a new way for them to enforce driving/ road laws! The file size is small, but would need to be easy to use as well.
  15. +Support Clear and blatant cop bait. I know the breaking and overall handling on the Gurkha is shit, but there is no attempt from what I could see to slow down or avoid the police vehicles. Not to mention, but both emergency vehicles had their ELS enabled, so there's near no chance for someone to miss seeing them.
  16. -Support You are 10 over what would be a perma ban (the 40 warning threshold), not to mention that all warn threshold bans are nonappealable.
  17. Will

    Appeal- Denied

    @OFC Mar Your side please? User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:547602463 Ban panel: https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199055470655
  18. @catfishing for nitroplease explain why you voted no on the poll.
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