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Everything posted by Bog

  1. Rank: Junior Research Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: Me Level D personnel involved: SCP: 912 Errors and/or safety hazards: N/A Question: Can SCP-912 understand multiple languages? Background Research: I read past logs/interviews involving SCP-912 and done extensive researcher. Hypothesis: I think that SCP-912 understands other languages besides English Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): N/A Interview Log: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| The handler said the following with the following responses: Huízhuǎn (Chinese) [Turn aorund], 912 did not respond to this response but did when repeated in English Juiste gezicht (Dutch) [Right face], 912 obeyed the command Приседать на пол (Russian), [ Squat to the floor], 912 ignored/didn't understand the command عن الوجه (Arabic) [about face], SCP 912 Responded to this command .--- ..- -- .--. / - .... .-. . . / - .. -- . ... (Morse code) [Jump three times], SCP-912 complied with this command. *After this we got a cold streak where he either he chose to ignore the handler or didn't understand. This lasted for about an hour so further testing will be done if needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-912 understands Dutch, Arabic surprisingly, and French. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Yes.
  2. Rank: Junior Clearance Level: Two List of Personnel involved in testing: Junior Researcher Bog Level D personnel involved: Zero SCP: 912 Errors and/or safety hazards: None Question: Can SCP 912 understand multiple languages besides English? Background Research: I did extensive research on the background of SCP-912 Hypothesis: I believe that SCP-912 can understand multiple languages besides English Analysis and Conclusion: As of now SCP-912 understands multiple languages and will take orders if spoken in that tongue. Interview Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got SCP-912 alone without any 3rd party distractions so this test would go by without any interruptions. I asked him three commands all in different languages such as Japanese, Spanish, and French. First Command, Japanese: " 私に従ってください " = " Please follow me ". Result: He couldn't understand the order and didn't respond. Second Command, Spanish: " Mata a la persona que toma el maletín. " = " Kill the person who takes the briefcase" Result: He couldn't understand the order and didn't respond. Third Command, French: "Prends garde devant cette pièce " = " Take guard outside this room" Result: He actually did understand this order, he took guard outside the room until I told him he could come back. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Yes! This has shown that SCP-912 understands simple commands in French. Further research will be done to understand what else he knows. - Junior Researcher Bog
  3. Hey guys I'm Bog, Idk if you guys know who I am but Im from SCPRP where I'm Command in E11! I just felt like I should make one of these because I can.
  4. My sister said that there was this stupid gamemode called darkrp. I checked it out one day and sucked at it but got better over time.
  5. Mine would be when Sith confessed his love to this robot during a event.
  6. Omg your dog is so cute Omg ?
  7. Bog

    Trae's Resignation

    It would be a honor to have you in Epsilon-11 again bro
  8. When I first joined I did nothing wrong because I'm a good guy
  9. +SUPPORT -Created the TeamSpeak guide that was approved to use -Knowledgeable with Teamspeak -Respectful -Patient -Has a lot of experience -Was recommended by Igneous when it came to Teamspeak
  10. In-Game Name: Bog Steam Name: [G] August SteamID: STEAM_0:1:106413665 Are you Moderator+? Yes How often are you on TeamSpeak? Every single day Do you have a working quality mic? Yes, Blue Yeti Blackout What timezone are you in? Central Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) I want to become a Support team because I think I would be a great addition to the Divison. Every day I'm on TeamSpeak and I see that there are always people waiting for someone from the Support team to help. The reason I want to join this Divison is that I want to be able to assist Gaming Light any way I can and I think this would be another good step in the right direction. I can help new players with SCP-RP or general questions.. I have all the attributes that a Support member needs, I'm calm, collected, polite, mature, and patient. Also, I am on Teamspeak every day when I'm playing on SCP-RP so I can be active and always trying to help newcomers with tags, questions, or other general concerns. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I would always be on and taking support sits while being respectful and pleasant. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? 1. First I would ask him how he/she's day is going 2. I would ask what their issue seems to be their problem 3. After assisting them I would tell them to have a blessed day and to enjoy their time Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes.
  11. +Support Trustful Active Dedicated to GL and seems to want further his ability to help He would be a very good candidate for this position!
  12. - support You need to put the in game warns not the forums post.
  13. Dont Comment on your own post!
  14. Positives Very active Good app No warns Respectable and I havent had any issues with him Negatives Low forum activity which can be worked on Over all i'm going with a +1 for the reasons listed above. I think you would be great on the staff team
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