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Everything posted by Killer.

  1. Even Then, This should be Stated in the Rules if its DENIED that tazing underwater is not FailRP because We get sits some times asking and no one really knows the answer
  2. What you want to see? - To make it so tasing underwater is FailRP and State it in the MOTD *if it is already* because some people get confused if its against the rules or not. Why should we add it? - Make it so its clear to people if its a rule or not and if its not a rule then add it because tasing underwater will kill the person What are the advantages of having this? - Making it clear to other people, and less confusion Who is it mainly for? - Criminals Links to any content - N/A
  3. Instead of Skyline, Probably the GTR
  4. Killer.


    Please no Dont leave us Solominge
  5. *BEFORE I START, I'M NOT SURE IF THE PROPS CAN BE REMOVED OR NOT AND IF IT CANT JUST COMMENT THAT* What you want to see? - The Interrogation room props to be removed and add new props for better RP experience. Why should we add it? - It adds more RP sure it might not be used as much, but it wont cause much lag or any lag and PD / FBI can start doing more interrogations in RP, Sure it's not needed but I feel like it would be better than the boring interrogation room we have now, What are the advantages of having this? - It adds more RP for PD / FBI Interrogations and it makes the room look a little bit nicer Who is it mainly for? - Cops and Criminals Links to any content - N/A (Can just use Perma Prop) *Also if there is a way to make the chairs where you can Sit down on them instead of just floating as the interrogation room chairs just make you float and get stuck* Picture Of Interrogation Room Now: https://prnt.sc/siunxd Picture of What it can look like: https://prnt.sc/siui9m (this is just a dupe from truenorth when the interrogation room was empty, that's why its in the middle of the street and random things hanging) Ariel View Of Picture That it can look like : https://prnt.sc/siuuyh Another Idea for it. maybe just make the room empty and people can make dupes for themselves but honestly I like the one I have and it's sad I cant use it anymore and have to use a table where it doesn't fit props
  6. -Support So, Your telling me you made a report for Brandon asking you to put a guy in for a year, he's not really forcing you he recommended to put him in for a year??? If there is more just let me know, i'm just confused... Also, In the clip there really isn't any violation of the staff handbook, so i'm keeping my opinion the same unless new evidence comes out.
  7. "We declare War on Dogs and Children" - Scoot2020
  8. Killer.

    BRUH ima dip

    Nooooo Im gonna miss you BRUH, I wish you the best in your future.
  9. Well That was Unexpected...
  10. We should organize a gun war and make an arena somewhere and get like 6 UMC, and 6 DP
  11. Yea but you shouldn't do it because you can get in trouble for doing it
  12. +Support Ok, I see where your coming from and what Thejayden is coming from, but instead of changing it in all maybe give the command to President, Judge and whoever else such as Commissioner or anyone else. This will make it so if one of those people are AFK it can still be accepted.
  13. Man... R.I.P Meeseeks
  14. Also What were taxes at or how many SS were there?
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