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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? xD
  2. Lets test this map out for a while if they notice that players start to leave again they are most likley going to switch back to the old 1
  3. he is banned on the forums for 1 day so he cant respond to this post
  4. Its a minge post Chiken is not serious i am prettty sure
  5. I wanna be a furry xD (i am joking)
  6. Okey dont make a report that is not serious and if it is a ledgit post it is in the wrong section and try to be as mature as possibly the staff that is comemnt on this i understand that u want to have fun but reports should Always be taken serious
  7. +support -Active -mature -Nice Friend/Person! -good app GOOD LUCK!
  8. No problem timm make me proud xD
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