Your In-Game Name: Friendly Steve
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:23939222
Staff member's In-Game Name: Chupibrandon STEAM_0:1:174924348
What did they do?
Multiple things, here is the list of what I have observed
Video #1: Gave an OFC promotion to SNR without approval from PD Command
Video #2: Doesn't know proper procedures while being on staff (Told him to read handbook etc when he first got on staff) wants to ban right away.
Video #3: Randomly pulling people with Physgun and telling them they are "in trouble" but they really are not.
Video #4: Drives in and under a cop car going "we woo we woo" and making cop sounds during an RP situation then says "Hey want me to help you guys?" as staff
Video #5: Interfering with RP of citizens by doing immature things
Evidence (REQUIRED):
What do you think is an acceptable punishment?
Honestly I think he needs to be removed. I have tried to talk to him regarding rules for staff and how to interact. I also made it very clear he is to NOT interfere with RP. I have gotten these videos in about an hour time span.
I really do not want one player ruining the image of the amazing staff team we have on the server and making all the hard work go to waste. He also has not accepted any staff calls throughout his couple of hours of play time meanwhile most of us who received trial mod had 50+ in the first hour.