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Sauce Chef

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Everything posted by Sauce Chef

  1. What would you like to see: I would like to see some sort of identifier above the cell control buttons to show if they are open or not. How would it help the server and/or the player base: This would benefit the server by creating a more orderly way of knowing if the cells are open or not. In its current form someone would have to go down into the prisoner area and manually check which can be fun and provides a sense of RP in a way but is also very chaotic. The amount of people i have seen get into arguements over this is atonishing, not to mention the the amount of people who are attacked, or body blocked down there and some people just kill bind to avoid using the elevator. Essentially what im saying is the concept is cool and could work but in the end it only RDM reports and fail rp sadly. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Yes
  2. This users has recieved warns from myself regarding this situation along with other admins. I believe further punishment is required beyond warns.
  3. +Supprt Amazing App Interesting Event Ideas Active Member All in all i think you will be a great Gamemaster goodluck!!
  4. + Support - Active Member of the Community and Staff team - Super chill guy - Great leader when i became a Mod he taught me a lot - And Finally an all around Hard Worker
  5. + Support - Decent App - Active Member in the Communtity - Nice person Overall your app was pretty good and you seem enthusiastic about joining the staff team, and willing to put forth the effort and work. Good Luck!!
  6. +Support -Decent App -Active -Nice Guy -Officer Material Good Luck!
  7. -Support Very low effort app seems rushed and the answers are subpar You deserve staff but i know you can do better on the app!
  8. What do you want to see?: If possible I would like to see all of the Naval whitelists grouped in the Tab menu in-game. They are currently all in different spots and Naval has a whitelist for 4 Specialties, Ground Armor, Crewman, Officer, Enlisted, 3 Admirals, 4 Chief Specialists the tab menu can get very convoluted and confusing. Why should we add it?: This should be added as it will create more unity and order on the tab menu, making it more organized for Naval. Also as an Officer in Naval, I look at the tab menu quite often to see how many Naval are on, and who is on, so I can assign things such as tasks and delegate jobs and it can get quite confusing with all the jobs spread out, especially when there are 80-100 people on the server. Again I'm unsure if this is entirely possible on this server with how the Lua is set up. What are the advantages of having this?: Some of the advantages to having this would be a more organized tab menu, preventing random Naval whitelist from stacking in the middle of certain battalions. And allowing Naval to see who is on the server and which jobs. Who is it mainly for?: Naval, but it affects everyone. Links to any content: N/A.
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