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Everything posted by Winter

  1. -Support While I think 40 minutes is a bit excessive you definitely need to learn how to respect staff, you dissed him before the minge, then during the minge and after the minge. Before this report you went into the shout box and said “Tommy Turner is a cuck”
  2. -Support -Immature -Not fit for staff -Forums account is inactive
  3. If its already removed than why do you have this post?
  4. +Support Ive dealt with him so many times.
  5. Damn man sad to see ya god, thanks for the kind words. -Nor/Winters
  6. -Support -Minge -No effort on application -Immature -Not ready for staff
  7. Winter

    Nade’s Goodbye!

    Honestly man you’ve been great and I’ve never had a problem with you, when I joined state you taught me the ropes, your also the first trooper to take me on patrol. Thanks for everything Forrest and I’m sad to see ya go. -CERT 2LT Nor
  8. -Support -In the beginning you guys plan to RDM someone in spawn because “the server it gonna crash anyways” -The only people minging in these videos are you and your friends -You constantly harassed Yobo -Honestly you and your friends deserve the punishment of not a ban then a minge -Nor
  9. -Support -If its already removed theres no point for this post -Mingey on GL -Causes too many problems.
  10. You can but Snookie gave them 3 chances before that, they were handcuffed and couldn't get up once we uncuffed them they got up and walked. +/-Support I think a warn would be better than a ban.
  11. "Accident" It was an inside job and we all know it! Don't forget this picture!
  12. +Support Reasons stated above
  13. Huge +Support -Good Guy -Active -Knows his rules -Experienced In staff Good luck Cole! -Nor
  14. Damn man, when I joined prp you were the main reason I wanted to get into RCSO (when it was still a thing lol) sad to see you go hope to see ya around. -Nor
  15. +Support -Started off as a Minge but has definitely improved -Put in hard work into his app -Active -Knows the rules
  16. That could be a pretty big problem, if there’s a way to disable that I’d be all for it but for now +\- Support
  17. That answer is extremely common just so you know.
  18. You realize those answers are extremely common, nearly every staff app has them there is no reason for you to come on here and accuse them of plagiarizing your application, anyways -Support don't fake applications.
  19. Winter

    Billy's Logs

    +\- Doesn’t really matter to me, PLogs has everything I need I rarely need to know who handcuffed anyone. Having extra features would be cool but would take us time to get used to.
  20. Winter

    Staff App.

    -Support -Haven’t seen on -Replied to own application -High warns
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