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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. I have like 2,000 hours on gmod, but sometimes I forget to turn off my computer so subtract like 500 hours lol
  2. I low key thought you where like 18 lol. I am down to watch Anime, but I really have no knowledge of it. Btw ur super late if your a super admin doing an intro lol
  3. - Support Sorry, but your app is very bland, I never have seen you in the server (In same time zone), and your forums account is inactive. Good luck though!
  4. + Support Despite your high warns, your a long time member and your app is sufficient. Good luck!
  5. - Support Sorry, but your your app is not good and I don’t think I have seen you around. Good luck!
  6. + Support We could have more weapons people could buy.
  7. + Support Your a great player don’t get me wrong, but I personally do not see you on pd that much although your app is great! Overall I would love to see you as that rank. Good luck!
  8. - Support You can try better than that. Good luck though!
  9. + Support Active and mature. I do think that anything in the past with him won’t happen again. Good luck!
  10. + Support Although you have a good bit of warns and your kinda new to the community you seem mature and professional. Also your forums account was created the 30th of March this year. Good luck!
  11. + Support “40+ Warns - Permanent minge issued, By Manager+ (Staff's desecration if the ban is issued)” Toxic should not have handled that punishment as a manager or owner needs to administrate to according the handbook (Quoted above).
  12. +/- Support I see you on a lot, but your app is not that great. Also your forums account was created: October 20, 2017 PS Create a vote Good luck!
  13. - Support Although the handbook does say being afk is not an excuse, I do feel that they had valid reasons why.
  14. - Support I really never see you on. Good luck! - Support I really never see you on. Good luck! - Support I really never see you on. Good luck!
  15. +/- Support Good guy, but I just don’t feel that you are ready for Captain. Good luck!
  16. + Support I have seen on a lot and does not cause much trouble, however I would like to know what the seven warns are for. Please message me via the forums PM’s
  17. Just as Dashiell explained it perfectly, we would only allow four people on it at a time in the coach back behind the limos. It would add realism and make SS more appealing to people. You really could not call it a tactical division as it would only be ten people max, if anything it would be a subdivision. Also when you said we should reorganized our ranks half of the google doc is disussing that, we have also already talked to Nolan about our armor levels (For some reason every single rank gets 75 armor) and he is taking care of that.
  18. Alright guys so as you probably know there are only two or so Secret Service agents on most of the time. Secret Service command and I have been thinking of ways of changing this for the benefit of our branch and the server. We have come up with the following: What you want to see? - A CAT (Counter Assault Team) section added to the server (one white list), new weaponry for all of our agents, a bio hazard vehicle (A black ambulance accessible to our senior agents+, and much more in the document. Why should we add it? - To improve the Secret Service, by making it more active and more useful for the server. What are the advantages of having this? - It would promote more players to join the Secret Service and make us stand a chance against criminals (We have very weak weaponry). It would also give the ranks we have an actual difference, currently all of our white lists have the exact same load out and where organized without any actual thought. It would also balance the fight between us and the opposing criminals. Furthermore, it would make Secret Service and the president job more realistic and fun. We would like the CAT team to be in the Coach-back (Car behind the president's limos) and be heavily armed as they are in real life. Please read the document below as it shows the full details of our plan. Who is it mainly for? - Secret Service, but really the whole server Links to any content - Link to our specific details (PLEASE READ COMPLETELY) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gbV7v_rqpDz8UM0TH59dK6pvL3LpiIEwqTEmbZCldU0/edit?usp=sharing Refer to this link for more info on the CAT team: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2014/03/27/everything-you-need-to-know-about-cat-the-secret-services-baddest-bad-boys/?utm_term=.f732bbeb61db Image of what we would like to do with convoys: PLEASE read the document as it states the specifics of what we would like to do with this in the future and how we plan on handling it. We take full responsiblity of maintain an SOP, roster, etc for the CAT team if it comes out. If you have any questions please ask Commander Th3 or Vice Commander Mikedagamer directly via the forums or steam! -SS Command
  19. We could have it so only staff can play movies and videos for people or vips and if they abuse it we can make it a super tough punishment. Or we could have it so only superadmins can use it for movie nights like once a week
  20. Also guys I have seen servers have movie nights before (I mean there are cinema servers dedicated to it) so I think we don’t have to worry about infringement.
  21. What you want to see? - An addon for the cinema so we can actually watch movies in it. We could make it so staff members only or vip only can play movies in it. Why should we add it? - So we can have official movie nights for the whole server. What are the advantages of having this? - Gives a use for the cinema, I mean it’s already there all we need to do is add a screen to it using an addon. It would promote community morale and make the player base happy. Who is it mainly for? - The whole server Links to any content - Something like this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=106516163
  22. + Support I remember this and it did enhance rp
  23. + Support I think you guys know why Good luck!
  24. + Support Very active and mature player Good luck!
  25. +Support Good judgement and very active on forums Good luck!
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