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Everything posted by Leapinglizard101

  1. Name: Leapinglizard SteamID: STEAM_0:0:177425860 Current rank: Sergeant Major How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 6 - 7 Weeks Rank Wanted: Lieutenant How many warns do you have? 4 Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A Why should you be promoted? : Personally, I believe that I should be promoted because I have spent lots of time on this server and I feel like I'm ready to move up the ladder. Recently I have taken a break from PD, this was to work on my time on trooper and my current staff position and now that I'm comfortable with those positions I feel that I have "Unfinished business" with the PD. Now one of my personal goals on PD is to really simply put it, like on staff is too help people, currently with the Police Department in my position I don't feel like I can do that to the best of my ability. With LT I feel like I would be better equip to handle situation (promotions/demotions etc.) and better manage situation where no tactical units are available. And situations that are sadly becoming more and more often, the mingy OFC. As it stands, right now IF (Big IF) a OFC where to get online and decide to turn full minge mode and no command members are online as staff I would be able to handle the situation, and while I don't want to be judge jury and executioner. In some of the most extreme situations it is very necessary. Now the new blacklist and forums help with that, If in that situation I was LT I would be able to talk to them not only as a staff member but as a fellow command member of the Police Department. It is for these reasons that I feel I would make a good Lieutenant. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): YES
  2. Yup, that seems legit. Why me though, like seriously. Out of the ENTIRE STAFF TEAM. Why me?
  3. Just because the president tells you do do it, does NOT give you permission to break server rules. I believe that this was mentioned in the sit, and the reason I was there was because I was getting reports of camera spam. Meaning NOT everyone was ok with it. -Support
  4. Gaming with friends

  5. QuestionsYour In-game: Leapinglizard Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:177425860 The player's name in-game: OFC Tonix ( STEAM_0:0:73648083 ) The player's steam name (If you know it): N/A What did the player do: Thought today I have been having issues with this person, the video should explain it all. Evidence (REQUIRED): video What do you believe should happen to the player: I have warned and minged the player for the appropriate (What I believe to be appropriate) circumstances. However I feel like this player has no intent to roleplay or benefiting the community. I would like to see this person banned, however it would be understandable to not go this far this fast, the player shows no respect for us staff or the community. Any extra information: none
  6. Got the Steam Ids... STEAM_0:0:59112440 STEAM_0:1:65468606
  7. QuestionsYour In-game name: Leapinglizard Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:177425860 The player's name in-game: Trey Jambia & Tony Jambia The player's steam name (If you know it): N/A What did the player do: Starting at around 8:00 tonight (GMT) my family and I started experiencing issues with these players, Im going to admit right now that they did raid our base of millions of dollars. So yes we might have been slightly salty. This whole issue started when we attempted to take Trey hostage at Mesa apartments he proceeded to fail RP and run inside mesa apartments and started shooting at us. We all died. This part was taken care of by a simple admin sit and we where allowed to retake him as a hostage, we proceeded to take him hostage (with advert and all) and drove directly to State Trooper base, because Trey wouldn't stay quiet we stopped outside and gagged and blindfolded. We then went to Red warehouse (Using outer perimeter road only) and this is where the video picks up. Evidence (REQUIRED): Video What do you believe should happen to the player: I personally think some warns should be put into place. But I also think the punishment should be up too the people reading this. Because my view is probably bias. (Warns for Fail RP, Fear RP, and Player disrespect. But I don't know if there is a warning for meta-gaming) Any extra information: The last 2 minutes are the most important
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